

Both crayfish and lobsters and their other relatives belong to the order of decapod crustaceans, which includes about 15 thousand modern and another 3 thousand fossil species. Each of them has its own unique name in Latin, so there is no confusion among scientists.

However, it would be naive to expect a French or British fisherman to use the language of Virgil to describe their catch. You shouldn’t expect this from the chef of a seaside restaurant, and perhaps from the chef of a gourmet restaurant either.

Crayfish, one of the marine life, has rather strange habits, which, however, do not interfere with feasting on the tender juicy meat of Crayfish, caught on an industrial scale.

Langoust is a crustacean of the Carapace family and is a long-tailed decapod inhabitant of the sea, which looks like a Crayfish without claws. There are approximately 100 species of Crayfish that live in the Pacific Ocean, in the waters of the Mediterranean, off the coast of Japan, New Zealand, South Africa and Australia, off the Atlantic coast near Europe and America.

The dimensions of these armored ones, at times, exceed even Crayfish – some specimens weigh three kilograms and reach half a meter in length. Despite the similarity of crustaceans, it is quite easy to distinguish them: in the Crayfish, the body is covered with a large number of outgrowths-thorns, it has very long whiskers and there are no claws.


A bright reddish-brownish Crayfish seems formidable. But in fact, this is a defenseless and timid creature that is forced to hide in solitude between corals, rocky cracks, in thickets of underwater vegetation, under stones. These gloomy inhabitants of the shallow waters of the sea are fraught with mysteries. For example, it happens that on a winter day, fishermen stumble upon sandbanks that are completely filled with Crayfish – they sit almost tightly one to one.

It is not known what prompts solitary Crayfish to gather on small pieces of sandbanks. There are many more interesting things. During the first hurricane in winter, one of the Crayfish puts a mustache on a neighbor’s back, and then crawls onto a friend.

These Crayfish set off on the road. The rest of the Crayfish join them along the way, forming a chain of marine life that move deep into the ocean. During the day, these Crayfish travel twelve kilometers, only occasionally making short breaks.

Composition and nutritional content

Langoustes most of all contain water – 74.07 grams and proteins – 20.6 grams per 100 grams. There are also fats and ash. Vitamins include retinol (A), niacin (PP or B3), thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), cyanocobalamin (B12), ascorbic acid ( FROM).


There are also macronutrients in the composition of Crayfish. In particular, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus. There are also trace elements: manganese, iron, selenium, copper and zinc.

For adherents of a healthy diet: 100 grams of Crayfish contains about 112 kcal.

  • Proteins 21g.
  • Fat 2g.
  • Carbohydrates 2g.

Crayfish Habitat

Crayfish live in tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.

They explore the territory of coral reefs, where they hide during the day in cracks under the ledges.

Interesting! Crayfish are collected by hand by divers or using traps or nets. Catching is carried out in the dark, because these crayfish are nocturnal – they come out of their hiding places at night and hunt crabs, mollusks and other invertebrates.

The benefits of Crayfish


Langoust is considered a low-calorie product, and the complete absence of carbohydrates, as well as proteins that make up the bulk, make the product very useful. Actually, every day, without fear of losing fit, you can eat Crayfish.

The presence of many micro- and macroelements is also valuable in Crayfish: copper, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. Since phosphorus stimulates the brain and has a positive effect on the central nervous system. Calcium improves the absorption of phosphorus, and also strengthens bone tissue. And to cover the body’s daily requirement for copper and iodine, 300 grams of Crayfish meat is needed.


The use of Crayfish does not carry any harmful effects. The only exception is the presence of a food allergy to seafood or individual intolerance to certain substances contained in Crayfish, which cause intoxication of the body.

How to choose

Crayfish are sold fresh and frozen. Peeled tails and meat are also on sale.

It is advisable to buy freshly caught Crayfish. A bright shell, black shiny eyes and a salty bitter smell testify to freshness. Avoid purchasing dead crayfish that has not been frozen, as the meat rots very quickly. When shopping for frozen tails, look for those that are rolled inward and packed in a tight vacuum.



Crayfish are stored at a temperature of no more than -18 ° C for four months. In vacuum packaging, frozen tails can be stored for up to a year.

Crayfish Taste qualities

Crayfish meat resembles the meat of other crustaceans, but is characterized by a more refined and refined taste. Cold-water Crayfish are whiter and more tender than warm-water Crayfish. Red Crayfish meat is characterized by a particularly delicate and refined taste.

More tender meat in young animals. With age, it loses its taste.

Crayfish Cooking applications

Crayfish grow very slowly and their catch is limited. Therefore, the meat of these crustaceans is very expensive and is considered a delicacy. Crayfish dishes occupy a leading position in the menu of many elite restaurants in the world. They are especially often served in restaurants in Thailand, Belize, Bali, Bahamas and Caribbean islands. They are among the favorite dishes of the aristocrats.

The belly and tail of Crayfish are used in cooking. The tails of these animals are called necks, and the abdomen – the tail. The necks can weigh up to 1 kilogram.


Crayfish are boiled, stewed, fried, baked. Salads, aspic and soufflé are prepared from them. The crustacean meat will add a spicy and rich flavor to the soup.

To improve the taste of boiled Crayfish, salt, spices and seasonings are added to the water during cooking. You can also boil these crustaceans in wine. The shell of a boiled animal turns bright red, and its meat becomes crumbly.

Before frying, the Crayfish is peeled, and before baking, cuts are made in the shell and coated with olive oil, sprinkled with lemon juice or sprinkled with grated cheese.

Grilled Crayfish will not leave anyone indifferent. It is watered with port and sprinkled with basil.
Sauces and marinades will help to diversify the taste of dishes. Crayfish are ideally combined with vegetables (especially legumes), fruits, eggs, gravies, butter, lemon juice, expensive types of cheese, basil, port, dry white wine. Boiled rice and vegetable salad are served as a side dish.

In France, Crayfish is preferred to be flamed with cognac. The Chinese cook it in their own juice with sesame oil, onions and fresh ginger, while the Spanish people add tomato sauce, pepper, grated almonds and hazelnuts, cinnamon and unsweetened chocolate to it.

Langoust liver and their caviar are also used as food. Usually the liver is boiled in salted water and poured over with lemon juice. Sometimes Crayfish legs are also cooked.

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