Not so long ago, langoustines were practically unknown to most our citizens, but now these delicacies are increasingly gaining confidence in the market.
They are distinguished by tender meat, delicate taste and impressive size, making them convenient to cook and they look great even on a festive table. Besides, langoustines are very useful. In short, these seafood is definitely worth getting to know better.
Scientists attribute these crustaceans to the species Nephrops norvegicus and Pleoticus (Hymenopenaeus) muelleri. The latter are somewhat brighter, redder than the “Norwegians”, but in gastronomic terms the species are identical.

Like other higher crayfish, langoustines prefer clean, oxygen-rich and free water. They like rocky bottom with many narrow manholes, crevices and other shelters. They lead a secretive lifestyle, avoiding close proximity with both other langoustines and other inhabitants of the seas. As food they prefer smaller crustaceans, their larvae, molluscs, fish eggs and their meat (usually carrion).
The word “Argentinian” in the name suggests where these delicious shrimps are found. Indeed, the coastal waters of Patagonia (a region that includes southern Argentina and Chile) are the center of industrial fishing for langoustines. But the actual area of distribution of langoustines is much wider, including the waters of the Mediterranean and North Seas.
Name features
The langoustines got their name for their resemblance to the canonical lobster. At the same time, due to the relative novelty, sometimes they are found under different names – such as they are called in other countries. For example, for Americans, these are Argentine shrimps, for residents of Central Europe, Norwegian lobsters (lobsters).
They are better known to Italians and their closest neighbors as scampi, and to the inhabitants of the British Isles as Dublin shrimps. Thus, if you see one of these names in a recipe book, be aware that we are talking about langoustines.
Langoustine size

Size is one of the main differences between Argentine shrimp and its closest relatives: lobsters and lobsters. Langoustines are much smaller: their maximum length is 25-30 cm with a weight of about 50 g, while lobster (lobster) can grow up to 60 cm and more, lobster – up to 50 cm.
Langoustine’s size makes it ideal for grilling, skillet, oven or stewpan. These delicacies hold well on the wire rack and skewer, are convenient for cutting, and look great on the festive table.
Langoustines are available in various sizes. Pay attention to the markings:
- L1 – large, with head – 10/20 pcs / kg;
- L2 – medium, with head – 21/30 pcs / kg;
- L3 – small, with head – 31/40 pcs / kg;
- C1 – large, headless – 30/55 pcs / kg;
- C2 – medium, headless – 56/100 pcs / kg;
- LR – uncalibrated in size – with head – 15/70 pcs / kg;
- CR – uncalibrated in size – without head – 30/150 pcs / kg.
Composition and calorie content

Langoustine meat contains many nutrients, including phosphorus, zinc, iron and selenium. One hundred grams of the product contains 33 percent of the RDA for iodine and copper, 20 percent for magnesium and about 10 percent for calcium.
- Cal 90
- Fat 0.9g
- Carbohydrates 0.5g
- Protein 18.8g
The benefits of langoustines
It will be interesting to know that langoustine is considered a low-calorie product. Since it contains only 98 kcal per 100 g of product, it is not only possible, but also necessary to use langoustine during a diet.
The composition of the meat that langoustines have, with their frequent use, helps to strengthen bones and hair. It also improves vision and skin condition, increases immunity, the brain works more productively, and the metabolism improves. Scientists have shown that langoustines replace antidepressants.
Just like the fact that if you completely abandon animal meat and replace it with seafood meat, the effect will be even greater and better. Langoustine meat in its composition can completely replace any other meat. The ease of assimilation of seafood contributes to a good and quick saturation of the body with all useful minerals.
Harm and contraindications
Individual intolerance to the product.
How to choose

The langoustines on the shelves of modern seafood stores can be divided into two types: medium langoustine (about twelve centimeters) and large (up to twenty-five). During the transportation of these crustaceans, certain difficulties often arise, because they are not able to exist without water.
And it is undesirable to freeze langoustines, since when frozen, their meat becomes very loose and loses most of its wonderful taste. But on sale there are frozen and boiled langoustines. When choosing seafood, you need to determine its quality by smell.
The absence of the characteristic fish smell in the fold between the tail and the shell indicates freshness. High-quality langoustine meat, located in the tail section, has a very refined, slightly sweet and delicate taste.
How to store
Langoustines are best prepared immediately after purchase. But if you bought frozen seafood, then it can still be stored in the freezer by placing it in a plastic bag.
How to cook langoustines

Of the multitude of seafood, langoustines are among the most exquisite and delicious delicacies with the most delicate taste. Unlike crayfish, lobster, or lobster, scampi have hollow claws (no meat). The main delicacy is the tail of the crustacean.
To properly prepare langoustine, it must be boiled, cut, cooked, seasoned, and served correctly.
Scampi are boiled so that the meat is well separated from the shell, the most important thing is not to overexpose, otherwise the langoustine will taste like rubber. In fact, this is not cooking, but scalding with boiling water, since crustaceans need to be immersed in boiling water in small batches for literally 30-40 seconds.
After removing from boiling water, langoustines should be immediately cut up, separating the meat from the chitin. “Extraction” of meat is as follows: we separate the tail from the shell, then slightly press with the blunt side of the knife in the middle of the tail, after which we squeeze the meat out of the chitinous “tube”.
Note that the shell and claws can be reused as a fragrant seasoning for making broth or exotic seafood sauce.
Norwegian lobster tail meat is an ingredient in many European dishes. The Italians add them to risotto, the Spaniards add them to paella, the French prefer bouillabaisse (a rich fish soup that contains several types of seafood).
By the way, in Japanese cuisine there are also dishes from lagustin, for example, tempura, where tender meat is served in light batter.
The easiest way to prepare and serve scampi at home is langoustine on a vegetable grill bed. To do this, first we “extract” meat from the tails, then moisten them with a marinade of their olive oil with mint and basil, put meat and vegetables on the grill. A few lettuce leaves and a creamy cheese sauce will provide a beautiful and tasty serving.