Country house interior

If the crazy rhythm of the city drives you crazy, then you should think about how to exchange an apartment for a cozy country house and arrange there your own quiet “island” where you can relax and gain strength. About what interior to choose, how to properly equip your home, so that it is not only comfortable, but also equipped with the latest technology – in the Woman`s Day selection.

The beauty of country houses is that you can plan everything to your liking, from the house itself to the design of the site and additional buildings. But this is also the problem. Unlike a city apartment, where you can throw all your strength into planning and decorating a room, arranging a country house requires more effort and investment. It is understandable! After all, you will need to think over everything to the smallest detail so that each individual element does not get out of the general concept of the project. Woman`s Day presents a selection of ideas for decorating a country house so that you have the opportunity to choose your style and direction.

The living room in such houses has a special load. After all, it is here that the whole family will gather in the evenings to discuss what interesting things happened during the day and share plans for the future. Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to the arrangement of this room so that it reflects the character of each family member and at the same time is stylish and comfortable.

It is a good idea to place a fireplace in your living room. It can become a key accent of a room and set the tone for the entire interior. It is good to place family photos, porcelain or ceramic figurines and other little things on a special shelf above the fireplace. Also think about the fact that, for example, on cold winter evenings it will be so pleasant to drink aromatic tea, looking at the flames and listening to the crackling of logs. If you avoid open flames and are totally against a real fireplace in the house, then you can do something like imitation or choose an artificial model.

In country houses it is very good to make a cozy and, most importantly, a large kitchen-dining room, so that you can invite friends or revive the tradition of family lunches and dinners. Finally, you can fulfill your dream: order a large dining table that can be placed in the center of the room, and by all means equip the kitchen area with as many household appliances as you need (and not think about buying this thing or it will no longer fit in the kitchen size about 8 sq. m).

The bedroom, undoubtedly, is also an important part of the house, because it is there that a person can retire, relax and gain vitality. Therefore, give preference to exactly the style that you like and energize.

So, for example, light walls, furniture made of natural wood in soothing shades, textiles and decorative elements of pastel colors, as well as indoor flowers that will help you relax and find harmony, are suitable for a classic interior.

For a modern style, you can use any color scheme (even play on contrasts), choose pieces of furniture or decor made of plastic and glass, and also give preference to strict clear lines.

Connoisseurs of originality (for example, ethnic or folk style) are perfect for natural shades, as well as natural materials. In this case, you can use wood, stone, natural fabrics. And it is better to give preference to light pastel shades (when choosing an ethnic style, you can introduce decorative elements of bright colors into the interior).

In the bathroom, it is also preferable to use more natural materials and give preference to muted (if possible light) shades. You can make a choice in favor of showers, but at the same time additionally plan a swimming pool, Russian bath or Turkish hammam. Then, for sure, you will be able to completely disconnect from everyday worries, get rid of depression and negative thoughts.

By the way, fluffy bathrobes, towels made from natural fabrics, soft bath rugs and other little things will make the bathroom the most comfortable place in the house.

Add character to your interior by adding as many stylish décor elements as possible. Wicker furniture, a hammock, beautiful textiles, garden accessories, gazebos and a specially equipped barbecue area … The main thing is that everything is combined in style and does not stand out from the general concept of a country house, as it was originally imagined.

Armchair Duart, Westwing, 95 rubles

Photo Shoot:
Westwing Press Office Archive

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