Costumes: kids love it!

A day in pirates and princesses

All you need is a dress, a sword, a hat, a tiara, and now the magic operates and takes the children to the land of the imagination. The little ones love to dress up, and that’s good! Because this game develops creativity and intelligence. 

Become in a second the one we dream of being


And then the disguise is a tremendous time accelerator. All you have to do is slip into it and you become an adult like mom and dad… But better!

Taming your worst nightmare 


Once the disguise is on, we are no longer a fragile little child but a hero, strong, endowed with superpowers, capable of overcoming all dangers, of achieving exploits, of obtaining with the stroke of an imaginary magic wand, everything what we dream of

a child can also choose to play as a “bad guy”, a scary character, a witch, a wolf, a robber because wearing a monster outfit allows you to exorcise your fears, to tame them by entering the skin of the one who haunts his worst nightmares …

Develop the imagination on a daily basis


In addition to taming their deepest fears, dressing up also allows toddlers to express impulses that they usually have to restrain because mom and dad don’t agree.

Playing dress up is a very creative activity that is recommended to be encouraged in children.



The game begins when the child puts himself in the shoes of the character. There are thousands of possibilities and the brain quickly gets used to coming up with original ideas.

The main thing is to allow the child to think of whatever he wants, without limit, this is how brainstorming groups in companies work to find ideas.

While it is important to encourage the mind to wander, one can also develop the imagination in daily activities.

* “Help, my child is paddling at school! Supporting your first apprenticeships ”. Collar. the consultations of Pédopsy, ed. Eyrolles.

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