Copper in foods (table)

In these tables are adopted by the average daily demand in copper, equal to 1000 micrograms. The column “Percent of daily requirement” shows what percentage of 100 grams of the product satisfy the daily human need for copper.


Product nameThe copper content in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Peanuts1144 mcg114%
Wheat bran998 µg100%
Acorns, dried818 µg82%
Macaroni from a flour of 1 grade700 mcg70%
Pasta from flour V/s700 mcg70%
Buckwheat (grain)660 µg66%
Chickpeas660 µg66%
Lentils (grain)660 µg66%
Buckwheat (unground)640 mcg64%
Oats (grain)600 mcg60%
Peas (shelled)590 µg59%
Beans (grain)580 mcg58%
Rice (grain)560 mcg56%
Walnut530 mcg53%
Wheat (grain, hard grade)530 mcg53%
Buckwheat flour515 µg52%
Eyeglasses500 mcg50%
Wheat groats500 mcg50%
Soybean (grain)500 mcg50%
Pistachios500 mcg50%
Wheat (grain, soft variety)470 mcg47%
Barley (grain)470 mcg47%
Rye (grain)460 mcg46%
Oat flakes “Hercules”450 mcg45%
Oat bran403 mcg40%
Flour Wallpaper400 mcg40%
Basil (green)385 µg39%
Groats hulled millet (polished)370 mcg37%
Barley groats370 mcg37%
Buckwheat (groats)360 mcg36%
Rye flour wholemeal350 mcg35%
Fern320 mcg32%
Egg powder320 mcg32%
Garlic299 µg30%
Chanterelle mushrooms290 mcg29%
Wheat flour 2nd grade290 mcg29%
Figs dried287 µg29%
Prunes281 µg28%
Pearl barley280 µg28%
Rice250 mcg25%
Oyster mushrooms244 µg24%
Meat (lamb)238 µg24%
Flour rye230 mcg23%
Ginger (root)226 µg23%
Cilantro (green)225 mcg23%
Corn grits210 µg21%
Avocado190 micrograms19%
Green peas (fresh)187 µg19%
Meat (beef)182 µg18%
Wheat flour of 1 grade180 mcg18%
Pumpkin180 mcg18%
Dandelion leaves (greens)171 µg17%
Cress (greens)170 µg17%
Radishes150 mcg15%

See full product list

Parsley (green)149 µg15%
Dill (greens)146 µg15%
Shiitake mushrooms142 g14%
Apricot140 mcg14%
Eggplant140 mcg14%
Potatoes140 mcg14%
Almonds140 mcg14%
Beets140 mcg14%
Egg yolk139 µg14%
Savoy cabbages135 mcg14%
Rice flour130 mcg13%
Milk skimmed122 µg12%
Milk powder 25%121 µg12%
Lettuce (greens)120 mcg12%
Sweet pepper (Bulgarian)115 mcg12%
Flour rye seeded110 mcg11%
Tomato (tomato)110 mcg11%
Sudak110 mcg11%
Quail egg110 mcg11%
The flour100 mcg10%
Cucumber100 mcg10%
Meat (pork fat)96 mcg10%
Meat (pork meat)96 mcg10%
Green onions (the pen)90 mcg9%
Onion90 mcg9%
Meat (Turkey)90 mcg9%
Cheese “Gollandskiy” 45%90 mcg9%
Cheese Cheddar 50%90 mcg9%
Cheese Swiss 50%90 mcg9%
Chicken egg83 mcg8%
Cabbage80 mcg8%
Meat (chicken)80 mcg8%
Banana78 mcg8%
Cheese 11%74 mcg7%
Cheese 18% (bold)74 mcg7%
Cottage cheese 9% (bold)74 mcg7%
Semolina70 mcg7%
Meat (broiler chickens)70 mcg7%
Celery (root)70 mcg7%
Cream powder 42%60 mcg6%
Cheese “Roquefort” 50%60 mcg6%
Cheese “Russian”60 mcg6%
Cheese 2%60 mcg6%
Curd60 mcg6%
Sweet corn54 mcg5%
Egg protein52 mcg5%
Cheese “Russian” 50%50 mcg5%

The copper content in dairy products and egg products:

Product nameThe copper content in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Acidophilus milk 1%10 µg1%
Acidophilus 3,2%10 µg1%
Acidophilus to 3.2% sweet10 µg1%
Acidophilus low fat10 µg1%
Egg protein52 mcg5%
Egg yolk139 µg14%
Yogurt 1.5%10 µg1%
Yogurt 3,2%10 µg1%
1% yogurt10 µg1%
Kefir 2.5%10 µg1%
Kefir 3.2%10 µg1%
Low-fat kefir10 µg1%
Koumiss (from Mare’s milk)22 mcg2%
The mass of curd is 16.5% fat12 mcg1%
Milk 1,5%12 mcg1%
Milk 2,5%12 mcg1%
Milk 3.2%12 mcg1%
Milk 3,5%12 mcg1%
Goat milk46 mcg5%
Condensed milk with sugar 8,5%30 µg3%
Milk powder 25%121 µg12%
Milk skimmed122 µg12%
Ice cream sundae15 µg2%
Yogurt 2.5% of10 µg1%
Cream 10%22 mcg2%
Cream 20%21 mcg2%
Cream powder 42%60 mcg6%
Sour cream 30%20 mg2%
Cheese “Gollandskiy” 45%90 mcg9%
Cheese “Camembert”21 mcg2%
Parmesan Cheese32 mcg3%
Cheese “Roquefort” 50%60 mcg6%
Cheese “Russian” 50%50 mcg5%
Feta Cheese32 mcg3%
Cheese Cheddar 50%90 mcg9%
Cheese Swiss 50%90 mcg9%
Cheese “Russian”60 mcg6%
Cheese 11%74 mcg7%
Cheese 18% (bold)74 mcg7%
Cheese 2%60 mcg6%
Cottage cheese 9% (bold)74 mcg7%
Curd60 mcg6%
Egg powder320 mcg32%
Chicken egg83 mcg8%
Quail egg110 mcg11%

The copper content in cereals, cereal products and pulses:

Product nameThe copper content in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Peas (shelled)590 µg59%
Green peas (fresh)187 µg19%
Buckwheat (grain)660 µg66%
Buckwheat (groats)360 mcg36%
Buckwheat (unground)640 mcg64%
Corn grits210 µg21%
Semolina70 mcg7%
Eyeglasses500 mcg50%
Pearl barley280 µg28%
Wheat groats500 mcg50%
Groats hulled millet (polished)370 mcg37%
Rice250 mcg25%
Barley groats370 mcg37%
Sweet corn54 mcg5%
Macaroni from a flour of 1 grade700 mcg70%
Pasta from flour V/s700 mcg70%
Buckwheat flour515 µg52%
Wheat flour of 1 grade180 mcg18%
Wheat flour 2nd grade290 mcg29%
The flour100 mcg10%
Flour Wallpaper400 mcg40%
Flour rye230 mcg23%
Rye flour wholemeal350 mcg35%
Flour rye seeded110 mcg11%
Rice flour130 mcg13%
Chickpeas660 µg66%
Oats (grain)600 mcg60%
Oat bran403 mcg40%
Wheat bran998 µg100%
Wheat (grain, soft variety)470 mcg47%
Wheat (grain, hard grade)530 mcg53%
Rice (grain)560 mcg56%
Rye (grain)460 mcg46%
Soybean (grain)500 mcg50%
Beans (grain)580 mcg58%
Oat flakes “Hercules”450 mcg45%
Lentils (grain)660 µg66%
Barley (grain)470 mcg47%

The copper content in nuts and seeds:

Product nameThe copper content in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Peanuts1144 mcg114%
Walnut530 mcg53%
Acorns, dried818 µg82%
Almonds140 mcg14%
Pistachios500 mcg50%

The copper content in fruits, vegetables, dried fruits:

Product nameThe copper content in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Apricot140 mcg14%
Avocado190 micrograms19%
Basil (green)385 µg39%
Eggplant140 mcg14%
Banana78 mcg8%
Ginger (root)226 µg23%
Figs dried287 µg29%
Cabbage80 mcg8%
Broccoli49 mcg5%
Cabbage36 mg4%
Savoy cabbages135 mcg14%
Cauliflower42 mcg4%
Potatoes140 mcg14%
Cilantro (green)225 mcg23%
Cress (greens)170 µg17%
Dandelion leaves (greens)171 µg17%
Green onions (the pen)90 mcg9%
Onion90 mcg9%
Cucumber100 mcg10%
Fern320 mcg32%
Sweet pepper (Bulgarian)115 mcg12%
Parsley (green)149 µg15%
Tomato (tomato)110 mcg11%
Radishes150 mcg15%
Lettuce (greens)120 mcg12%
Beets140 mcg14%
Celery (root)70 mcg7%
Pumpkin180 mcg18%
Dill (greens)146 µg15%
Prunes281 µg28%
Garlic299 µg30%
Spinach (greens)13 mcg1%


  1. So if I don’t get enough copper, I should eat 200 gramms of my eyeglasses? I still have the previous one! 😀

  2. Saknar kopparmängden i alla frukter.

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