Caution: frozen foods!

 Do you want to avoid foodborne illness? A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists 1097 foodborne disease outbreaks reported in the United States in 2007, resulting in 21 cases and 244 deaths.

The largest number of disease outbreaks has been associated with poultry. In second place are cases related to beef. The third position was taken by leafy vegetables. Even vegetables can make you sick if not properly cooked.

The conclusion suggests itself: only fresh food is healthy. The spread of salmonella is often associated with processed and frozen foods: vegetable snacks, pies, pizza and hot dogs.

Norovirus outbreaks are most often associated with food handling by people who do not wash their hands after going to the toilet. Salmonella can be obtained from foods contaminated with animal feces. Enjoy your meal!

How to avoid foodborne illness? Food must be cleaned, cut, cooked and chilled properly.


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