Confectioner’s Day in Russia

Annually in Russia, as well as in a number of countries of the post-Soviet space, it is noted Pastry chef’s day.

In contrast to which all specialists related to the cooking process celebrate on October 20, today is a professional holiday for people also associated with cooking, but “narrowly focused”.

Unlike a cook and a culinary specialist, whose task is to feed a person deliciously, a pastry chef has a somewhat different task. He specializes in the preparation of that part of food, which involves the creation of different types of dough and dishes based on it, pastries, creams and desserts, that is, everything that we love to eat with a cup of tea and coffee. , pies, pastries, cookies, sweets, – companions of every festive feast.

Although for some, confectionery is a taboo. This applies, first of all, to people who follow a certain diet and lifestyle. And someone cannot live a day without a cake. And yet, those indifferent to the works of confectionery art are in the minority.


It is believed that the date of celebration of the Confectioner’s Day is associated with an event that occurred in 1932, when the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Confectionery Industry was established in the USSR. The task of this institution included the analysis and modernization of industrial equipment, the introduction of new technologies in the production of confectionery products, and monitoring of its quality.

Confectionery in the mind is inextricably linked with sugar and the word “sweet”. There are certain historical reasons for this. People who study the history of confectionery art argue that its origins should be sought in antiquity, when people learned the properties and tasted of chocolate (in America), as well as cane sugar and honey (in India and the Arab world). Until a certain moment, sweets came to Europe from the East.

This “moment” (when the art of confectionery began to develop independently in Europe) fell on the late 15th – early 16th centuries, and Italy became the country from where the confectionery business spread to European countries. It is believed that the very word “pastry chef” has its roots in the Italian and Latin languages.

Today, training in the profession of a pastry chef is carried out in special educational institutions. However, becoming a real master of your craft is not an easy job that requires knowledge, experience, creative imagination, patience and impeccable taste from a person. As in many professions associated with manual work and creativity, the profession of a pastry chef has its own subtleties, secrets, the transfer of which to anyone remains the right of the owner. It is no coincidence that individual works of confectioners are compared with works of art.

Celebration of the Pastry Chef’s Day is often accompanied by the organization of master classes, competitions, tastings and exhibitions.

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