Clogged ear – how to unclog the ear yourself?
Clogged ear – how to unclog the ear yourself?

A blocked ear is a problem that is not uncommon. The feeling is associated with discomfort and can happen during a runny nose, large changes in atmospheric pressure and simply riding an elevator in a skyscraper. Fortunately, there are several effective and uncomplicated methods that will solve the problem efficiently.

Common causes of ear congestion

Obstruction of the ear canals is often associated with colds, it also occurs during airplane flights and elevator rides. The condition interferes with normal hearing – it is usually accompanied by other symptoms, such as tinnitus and dizziness. The presented methods of unclogging the ears will prove useful when the patency of the ear canals is impaired. Please note that they cannot be used for more than 3 days. If the ailment persists or worsens, a doctor’s consultation is necessary. In such cases, clogged ears may indicate more serious pathologies, such as otitis media and ruptured eardrums.

  1. Ears clogged while riding in an elevator or on an airplaneIn an elevator or airplane, the problem is caused by changes in atmospheric pressure, during which too much air reaches the ears, compresses and constricts the Eustachian tube. In such situations, sucking on a candy or chewing gum may help. The activities simulate the secretion of saliva, which unclogs the ears when swallowing. It is worth sitting upright at this time to facilitate the flow of air in the respiratory tract, you can also try to yawn. Yawning and opening the jaw intensifies the movement near the ear canals and leads to their clearing.
  2. Ears clogged with waxSometimes the ear canal is blocked by a natural secretion – cerumen. Under normal conditions, the secretion helps to moisturize and clean the ear canals, but its increased secretion can obstruct the ear. The overproduction of earwax is sometimes the result of environmental pollution and dust, large changes in atmospheric pressure, as well as bathing (water contributes to earwax swelling). A clogged ear often affects patients who use hearing aids and people who wear headphones inside the ear. When an earwax plug is formed, you must not maneuver around the ear with cotton buds, which can only exacerbate the problem. In this case, you should use ear drops for dissolving earwax (preparations available at the pharmacy without a prescription). If, after applying them, it turns out that the results are not satisfactory, you need to register with a doctor who will professionally remove the plug (e.g. with warm water).
  3. Ears clogged with rhinitis and coldsRunny nose and cold very often lead to obstruction of the ear canals. The infection proceeds with swelling of the nasal mucosa, which can cover and close the ear canals. An ear clogged during a cold disease can be unclogged by clearing the airways of excess secretion. Nasal drops that shrink the nasal mucosa and inhalations prepared from herbs (chamomile) or essential oils (e.g. eucalyptus) are helpful. Just a few drops of the oil per liter of hot water – inhalation is done over a wide vessel (bowl). Bend over the steam for a few minutes and inhale the vapors. For a better effect, the head should be separated from the air in the room with a towel. A runny nose that persists for a long time may indicate inflammation of the paranasal sinuses – a chronic ailment requires medical consultation.

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