Childbirth: when to go to the maternity ward?

Recognize the signs of childbirth

Unless it is programmed, difficult to know “when” exactly the childbirth will take place. One thing is certain, your baby will not show up unexpectedly! And you will have time to get to the maternity ward. The average duration of a childbirth is 8 to 10 hours for a first child, a little less for the following ones. So you have time to see it coming. Some moms tell you that they felt very tired, nauseous on D-Day, that their mood was completely upset. Others, on the contrary, remember being suddenly very fit and in a frenzy of storage. Know how to listen to your body. Along with these subjective signs, there are much more concrete symptoms that should alert you.

In video: When should we go to the maternity ward?

The first contractions

You have probably already felt light contractions during your pregnancy. Those of D-day will be distinguished by their frequency and intensity, you will not be able to miss it! At the onset of labor, they occur every half hour and are similar to menstrual pain. Do not go to the maternity ward right away, you could be sent home. The contractions will gradually get closer. When they occur every 5 minutes or so, you still have 2 hours ahead of you if this is a first delivery. If you have already given birth to a child, it is advisable to take off from the house after an hour, a second birth is often faster.

False work : during the 9th month, it may happen that we feel painful contractions while childbirth has not started. We then speak of “false work”. Most of the time the contractions do not become more intense or regular, and disappear quickly, either naturally or after taking an anti-spasmodic medication (Spasfon).

In video: How to recognize labor contractions?

The loss of water

The rupture of the water bag is manifested by the sudden (but painless) loss of a clear liquid, this is the amniotic fluid. Usually it doesn’t go unnoticed, you might even be surprised at the quantity! From this moment, Baby is no longer immune to infection. Put on periodic protection or a clean cloth, and go straight to the maternity ward, even if you do not yet feel the contractions. In general, labor begins naturally a few hours after the loss of water. If it does not start within 6 to 12 hours or if the slightest anomaly is noted, the decision will be taken to induce childbirth. Sometimes the water bag only cracks. In this case, you will only see slight discharge, which many confuse with loss of the mucous plug or urine leakage. If in doubt, go to the maternity ward anyway, to find out what it is. Note: the pouch can remain intact until childbirth. Baby will be born, as they say, “capped”. If your contractions are getting closer, you have to go even if you haven’t lost water.

The loss of the mucous plug

The mucous plug, as the name suggests, “Mouth” the cervix throughout pregnancy and, thus, protects the fetus from the risk of infection. Its expulsion means that the cervix begins to change. But be patient, it may still be several days until childbirth.… In the meantime, Baby remains protected in the water bag. The loss of the mucous plug usually results in thick, mucous secretions, sometimes tinged with blood. Some don’t even notice it!

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