Cereal diet, 7 days, -5 kg

Losing weight up to 5 kg in 7 days.

The average daily calorie content is 610 Kcal.

The cereal diet is one of the most loyal, satisfying and gentle, but at the same time effective, methods of body transformation. The main products for the week (namely, for this period it is designed) will be various cereals (buckwheat, oats, brown or brown rice, millet).

For 7 days of a diet-life, you can lose up to 5 kilograms unnecessary for the body. How to eat cereals to lose weight?

Cereal diet requirements

This diet differs from others based on cereals in that you do not need to stick to mono-food. You can make your diet more varied and at the same time get rid of unwanted weight.

Of course, diet restrictions have not been spared. For weight loss to be effective, it is necessary to avoid salt, sugar, butter and other fatty additives, as well as drinks containing alcohol.

All cereals must be cooked in water. By the way, not all cereals are allowed to be consumed. It is recommended to refuse white rice, semolina, any instant cereals.

The basis of the diet is porridge. You can supplement them with a small amount of kefir (low fat or low fat), milk, natural yogurt without additives, low-fat cottage cheese, non-starchy fruits, vegetable broth, 1-2 tsp. natural honey a day. It is recommended to refuse other food during the cereal diet.

You should eat three times a day, refusing food 3-4 hours before bedtime. Try to drink enough water between meals (green and herbal teas can also be used). In order not to overeat, consume no more than 50 g of cereals (meaning the weight of dry cereals) at a time and supplement it with the above food. To save time on cooking, you can use one cereal every day, or you can mix healthy cereals.

Gradually add new foods to your diet as you quit the cereal diet. First, increase the amount of fruits and introduce non-starchy vegetables, then legumes (soy is possible). After that, it is allowed to supplement the diet with a large amount of cottage cheese and other fermented milk products, and then with lean meat and fish. It is recommended to limit sweet and flour products in the post-dietary life. Otherwise, no matter how much you lose weight, excess weight can return again.

In addition to the described cereal diet, there are other options. For example, a technique with the addition of kefir (designed for 3 days), cereal-vegetable and cereal-fruit (you can sit on these for up to 5 days), a cereal unloading diet (lasting 1-2 days). There is also Brad Peet’s technique, which helps the actor himself transform the body (these are 5 fasting days based on cereals). You can find out more about their diets in the menu below. So choose the variety that you like and go for the perfect figure.

Cereal diet menu

Approximate ration of a cereal diet for one week

Day 1

Breakfast: millet with the addition of 1 tsp. honey.

Lunch: buckwheat porridge; a glass of milk.

Dinner: millet porridge; some natural yogurt.

Day 2

Breakfast: millet porridge.

Lunch: rice; a glass of milk.

Dinner: millet porridge with grated apple.

Day 3

Breakfast: oatmeal with apple slices.

Lunch: rice with a glass of vegetable broth.

Dinner: millet porridge; about 100 g of cottage cheese.

Day 4

For the whole day, it is recommended to consume 150 g of rice in the company of 500 g of apples mixed with a small amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Day 5

Breakfast: barley porridge with 1 tsp. honey.

Lunch: rice with a glass of vegetable broth.

Dinner: buckwheat; orange or other citrus fruit.

Day 6

Breakfast: buckwheat with a glass of kefir.

Lunch: buckwheat and about 200 ml of vegetable broth.

Dinner: rice porridge and a glass of kefir or 50 g of cottage cheese.

Day 7

Breakfast: millet with a glass of milk.

Lunch: buckwheat and a glass of vegetable broth.

Dinner: oatmeal with grated apple with the addition of 1 tsp. honey.

The ration of a cereal diet with kefir

Breakfast: a portion of steamed buckwheat porridge (100 g ready-made) with the addition of low-fat kefir.

Lunch: the same portion of rolled oats; 200-250 ml of kefir.

Dinner: 100 grams of any porridge.

Diet of cereal and vegetable diet

Breakfast: 100 g of rolled oats.

Lunch: 50 grams of rice and a serving of salad from non-starchy vegetables and herbs.

Dinner: up to 100 g of corn porridge.

Diet of cereal-fruit diet

Breakfast: 100 g of oatmeal and a grated apple.

Lunch: 2 apples and a few tablespoons of buckwheat.

Dinner: 50 g oatmeal porridge.

Note… If you wish, you can have a bite of citrus fruits between main meals.

Diet of cereal unloading diet

Breakfast: 100 g of your favorite porridge and 1 boiled egg.

Snack: A couple of non-starchy vegetables.

Lunch: 50 g of boiled buckwheat with boiled beet salad.

Dinner: a glass of kefir and a couple of tablespoons of porridge, which you like.

Brad Peet’s Cereal Diet

Breakfast: unsweetened muesli (3-4 tbsp. L.) With the addition of a handful of berries, seasoned with natural yogurt or kefir in a small amount.

Second breakfast: a mixture of your favorite freshly squeezed juice and natural yogurt.

Lunch: stew, which is recommended to be made from bell peppers, onions, celery, peas.

Snack: a few pieces of boiled chicken fillet.

Dinner: a couple of tablespoons of rice with the addition of an apple.

Contraindications to the cereal diet

No matter how simple the cereal diet may seem to you, there are still certain contraindications to it.

  • It should not be experienced by those with celiac disease (celiac disease).
  • People who have any kind of intestinal or stomach ailment can only turn to a cereal diet if it is approved by a gastroenterologist.
  • A consultation with a qualified specialist, of course, in any case will not be superfluous.

Benefits of a cereal diet

  1. The cereals involved in the diet are a valuable source of fiber and ballast substances that gently and effectively cleanse the intestines from harmful components.
  2. It has been scientifically proven that people whose diet contains at least 3-4 servings of cereals per week are 20% less likely to face diseases of the cardiovascular system. So, regardless of whether you want to lose weight, introducing cereals into the diet is recommended to benefit the body and improve health.
  3. Also, cereals are rich in various antioxidants, minerals and nutrients. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver, cleanse the walls of blood vessels, help normalize cholesterol levels, prevent salt deposition, and help prevent anemia and many other health problems. Grains have a particularly beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helping food to be better absorbed, eliminating bloating and stool problems.
  4. The substances found in cereals have a positive effect on the appearance of a person. The skin becomes healthy and fresh, the number of acne and other unattractive manifestations is significantly reduced, hair and nails become stronger.
  5. The cereal diet itself is usually quite easy (both psychologically and physiologically). There is no feeling of hunger, and, accordingly, the desire to break away from the technique and pounce on forbidden delicacies.
  6. A variety of cereals and additional products allow you to make the menu boring and not get tired of the same type of food offered. Due to the fact that cereals perfectly saturate with energy, fatigue, apathy, weakness and other delightful diets will not visit you. So, if you wish, you can play sports, which will only speed up the process of losing weight and make you not only slimmer, but also fit.
  7. A cereal diet accelerates the body’s metabolic processes, and this, in turn, increases the likelihood of maintaining the weight gained after losing weight and enjoying the achieved result for a long time.
  8. It is also good that the technique allows you to save money. It is clearly cheaper to eat cereals than an abundance of protein products.
  9. Another advantage of the cereal diet is that it does not take a lot of time to prepare food. You can devote yourself to a more rewarding activity.

Disadvantages of a cereal diet

Despite the usefulness of cereals, on a cereal diet, there may still be a shortage of substances and components necessary for the normal functioning of the body (in particular, due to a significant limitation of protein production). To avoid this, it will not be superfluous to take a vitamin and mineral complex.

Repeating the cereal diet

It is not recommended to adhere to a cereal diet more than twice a year, and it is advisable to maintain a pause between diet rounds for at least 2-3 months.

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