Psychological diet, 2 weeks, -6 kg

Losing weight up to 6 kg in 2 weeks.

The average daily calorie content is 1150 Kcal.

According to psychologists, excess weight is often the result of a wrong internal attitude. To lose weight, sometimes it’s not enough just to change your diet, you need to change your way of thinking. This is what the psychological diet is aimed at. Its main goal is to overcome the habit of indiscriminately and quickly absorbing food. You can lose weight using this technique by any amount of kilograms. It all depends on how long you stick to it, and on the characteristics of the body.

Psychological diet requirements

According to the principles of psychological diet, all people, apart from cases of health problems, gain weight by encouraging their weaknesses. Therefore, we need to reconsider the attitude towards food, diet and overeating. Many psychologists agree that, being in a state of stress, a person is malnourished or (which happens much more often) consumes much more food than he really needs.

Observing a psychological diet, you need to control the diet and the composition of the food consumed, no matter what state you are in. You need to learn how to evaluate the taste and smell of food, a combination of several food components in one meal. According to the developers of the diet, this practice contributes to the fact that a person learns to be satisfied with less food than before.

When you get into a stressful situation, try to pull yourself together and control your emotions, this reduces the production of adrenaline. In the event of any event that negatively affected your condition, you should eat in small portions. At the same time, try to chew food thoroughly and not rush. If you want to seize stress, try to overcome this desire by drinking a glass of plain water or weak tea. Moreover, you need to do this in small sips.

Saturating the body with food should only be when a feeling of real hunger occurs. How to learn to identify true hunger from emotional (desires to simply seize their problems)?

  • Emotional hunger can overtake a person at any time, even immediately after eating. And the physiological desire to eat cannot arise when the stomach is full. So, if after eating you want to have something else to eat (of course, if you have not consumed a very meager amount of food), then it is emotional hunger that signals.
  • If, with physiological hunger, we just want to eat, and it is not particularly important what foods to eat, the main thing is to drown out hunger urges, then with emotional starvation we, as a rule, want certain products. And usually it concerns our favorite food. For example, those with a sweet tooth in such situations lean on sweets, cakes and similar high-calorie delicacies. A simple way to test yourself: if you are ready to eat at least an apple, then you are hungry; and if you don’t want an apple, you don’t really want to eat either. Obviously, in this case, your emotions are screaming.
  • Emotional hunger urges usually require lightning-fast satisfaction, but the physiological desire to eat, as a rule, can wait for some time.
  • In the event that you eat up your emotions, you will do it even when you are full. And if you satisfy real hunger, then quickly fill up and stop chewing.

After outbursts and seizure of emotional hunger, a person feels guilty, especially when trying to lose weight, and uncontrolled gluttony interferes with this.

In order for the psychological diet to be as effective as possible and not to become the next stage of the weight loss march, its developers urge us to understand why we want to lose weight. Psychologists strongly do not recommend losing weight for some event, for the sake of a specific person. After all, people can quarrel, events go through, and then the goal is lost. After that, those who lose weight usually relax and regain the lost pounds, and sometimes they recover even more than before the diet. You need to lose weight primarily for yourself – for the sake of your own health, beauty, self-confidence and other important factors for you.

Now try to learn how to relax. Stressful conditions and constant nervousness can easily lead to a set of extra pounds. Don’t go to the table (much less eat on the go) when you’re nervous, irritated, or angry. Overeating in this state is very easy! It must be remembered that the feeling of fullness does not come instantly, so it is important not to indulge in a rush. To quickly feel full, eat bulk foods – fruits, vegetables, as fiber helps fill the stomach.

Eat more odorous food. It is scientifically proven that people who eat food with a spicy smell are less prone to overeating. Add onions, garlic, herbs, etc. to the products. Just do not overdo it. If you overdo it with spicy food, on the contrary, you can develop an increased appetite.

Give preference to healthy protein. The fact is that the products possessing them give a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Try not to eat in company, as it is much easier to overeat. Therefore, if, nevertheless, you cannot refrain from having a snack in society, you need to control the food you eat much more carefully.

A psychological diet does not force you to refuse any particular food. In order not to break down, you can leave any favorite delicacy in the diet, but in small quantities. At the same time, it is important to program yourself for proper and balanced nutrition. You need to understand that, say, a portion of cottage cheese with fruit or vegetable stew with meat will be much healthier and more satisfying for your body than a piece of cake. Just think that this almost one second enjoyment of a cake will make you suffer from guilt or spend an entire day in the gym burning calories. Cravings for sweets are great help to defeat dried fruits, jam, natural honey. Every time you eat, think about how beneficial this food affects your body.

Psychological Diet Basis:

– lean proteins (cottage cheese, kefir, a small amount of unsalted cheese);

– carbohydrates (draw from cereals);

– from flour products it is better to leave only a little whole grain bread and lean cookies on the menu;

– be sure to saturate the menu with fruits, vegetables, berries;

– vegetable oil will supply fats to the body.

As you can see, there is no clear menu that must be followed unquestioningly. You can plan it based on your own tastes.

Regarding the number of meals on a psychological diet, so that you do not feel uncomfortable, eat as many times as you want (depending on your daily routine). But ideally, if possible, it is recommended to adhere to fractional nutrition. Frequent use of food will help you not to overeat, because a strong feeling of hunger simply will not have time to develop. Why eat a lot if you understand that in an hour or two you can have a snack? In addition, as you know, fractional nutrition helps to speed up metabolism (which also pushes the process of losing weight) and has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If you are not sure that the calorie content of your diet is suitable for weight loss, roughly estimate it and reduce it to 1500 (minimum 1200) calories. Then, having reached the desired weight, lift it, keeping in mind the basic principles described above.

It is also worth talking about possible breakdowns. If for some reason you have allowed yourself food excess, do not beat yourself up and starve. Just draw a conclusion from what happened and move on. Surely over time, there will be fewer such mistakes, and as a result, thanks to psychological practice, they will completely disappear. After all, why overeat if you can already eat what you want and when you want?

Psychological diet menu

Sample psychological diet for 3 days

The first day

Breakfast: a slice of rye bread with a slice of feta cheese; fried eggs from one or two chicken eggs; tea or coffee.

Lunch: a glass of natural yogurt with a little raisins.

Lunch: a portion of beetroot soup with lean chicken fillet; cocoa with the addition of low fat milk.

Afternoon snack: a few lean cookies and herbal tea.

Dinner: a couple of tablespoons of mashed potatoes (preferably without adding oil); steam beef cutlet or just boiled beef fillet; apple and cabbage salad; tea.

Second day

Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal cooked in water or low-fat milk, with the addition of a small amount of dried fruit; half a grapefruit.

Lunch: a few tablespoons of seaweed and a boiled chicken egg.

Lunch: steamed fish fillet with vegetables; whole grain bread toast and tea.

Afternoon snack: a small portion of unsweetened muesli with milk or low-fat kefir.

Dinner: steamed vegetable stew with a few pieces of chicken fillet.

The third day

Breakfast: a portion of pearl barley with dried apples or a handful of other dried fruits; a couple of rye croutons, which can be greased with a small amount of low-fat curd cheese; apple compote or homemade juice.

Lunch: banana cocktail with milk.

Lunch: a portion of stewed cabbage with mushrooms; beet salad with a small amount of walnuts and a glass of tomato and carrot juice.

Afternoon snack: kiwi and pear salad or fruit puree.

Dinner: baked pumpkin and berry compote.

Contraindications to psychological diet

This diet has no contraindications.

The merits of a psychological diet

  1. There are no strict restrictions on the choice of products.
  2. With a reasonable organization of the diet, you can lose weight without feeling hungry.
  3. The psychological diet is balanced in terms of nutrients, is not harmful and stressful for the body.
  4. The products involved in it contribute to the improvement of health and appearance.

Disadvantages of a psychological diet

  • Serious psychological work and restructuring of eating behavior are required.
  • If you are used to overeating, discomfort may be felt at first.
  • Since there is no clear menu, not everyone can compose it correctly, providing the body with the necessary useful components (there may be a one-way overweight in fats or carbohydrates).


If you feel comfortable, the basic principles of a psychological diet can always be followed.

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