Pea diet, 7 days, -5 kg

Losing weight up to 5 kg in 7 days.

The average daily calorie content is 720 Kcal.

Pea porridge is a wonderful side dish and a great low-calorie dish. And its main ingredient is a real storehouse of nutrients that help the body to function properly.

Pea diet requirements

On a pea diet, you can eat cereals, vegetables, vegetable soups, fruits, low-fat fermented milk drinks. Fried foods, sweets, flour products, smoked meats, and any drinks with alcohol content are strictly prohibited during the diet course. Drink 1,5 to 2 liters of clean, still water throughout the day. And, if you can, devote at least some time daily to sports activities.

As for the parameters of weight loss, you can lose from 3 to 10 unnecessary kilograms per week if you observe the recommended calorie intake of 1300-1500 energy units. Of course, the result depends on what kind of menu you follow and how strictly you can do it. Of course, an important role in this process is played by the individual characteristics of the organism and the initial amount of really extra pounds.

Consider various ways to lose weight peas. The first popular version of this diet, which I would like to draw your attention to, is recommended for those who are used to eating three times a day. All week it is necessary to adhere to the same menu, using, in addition to pea porridge, rolled oats, lean meat and fish, fruits and vegetables. Serving size is not clearly defined, but overeating, of course, is not worth it. Distribute meals evenly throughout the day, giving up food pampering 3-4 hours before night rest. By the way, according to reviews, it is this type of pea weight loss that is the most effective, allowing you to lose up to as much as 10 kg in a week.

On another version of the pea porridge diet, weight loss, as a rule, ranges from 3 to 5 kilograms. Any vegetables and fruits, low-fat soups, freshly squeezed juices, cottage cheese are allowed here. Based on this, the menu can be composed at your discretion. But the unshakable rule of this technique is the need to always eat 200 g of pea porridge for lunch (the weight is indicated in finished form). Unlike the previous menu, you should eat five times a day, introducing the rules of fractional nutrition.

The third version of the pea diet is similar to the previous one. But in this case, instead of pea porridge for lunch, you need to eat puree soup made from peas. The rest of the wishes remain the same. Diet soup is prepared as follows. Send about 400 g of frozen peas to a saucepan, add one teaspoon of sugar, parsley and other chopped greens, then add a little salt and fill with 400 ml of water. Bringing to a boil, the soup must be boiled for about 15 minutes. Then beat everything with a blender and add up to 100 ml of minimum fat cream. Boil again and turn off the stove. The dish is ready.

Another variation of the technique – the green pea diet – will help reduce weight by 4 kg. She prescribes four meals a day of pea soup, fresh peas, chicken eggs, fruits and vegetables. All seven diet days should be eaten the same. You can sit on this diet for a maximum of one week.

No matter what version of the pea diet, and no matter how great you lose weight, in order to maintain the result obtained, after the expiration of the technique, you need to eat right. Eliminate food before bed and at night, minimize the presence in the diet of sugary foods, fried, fatty, smoked, pickled and too salty foods, as well as drinks that have a place for sugar and alcohol.

Pea diet menu

Diet of the XNUMX Day Effective Pea Diet

Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal porridge, boiled in water, with the addition of a small amount of grated apple. Lunch: low-fat vegetable soup or vegetable stew; pea porridge. Dinner: canned peas (up to 200 g) plus a piece of boiled chicken breast or a little lean fish, also cooked without adding oil.

An example of a pea porridge diet

Breakfast: a portion of cottage cheese with pear and apple halves; tea or coffee without sugar.

Snack: orange or other citrus.

Lunch: pea porridge plus boiled vegetables.

Afternoon snack: a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice.

Dinner: boiled fish fillets and vegetable stew without adding oil.

An example of a pea cream soup diet

Breakfast: apple and orange salad and a cup of unsweetened tea.

Snack: a couple of carrots.

Lunch: puree pea soup; salad of white cabbage, cucumbers and radish.

Afternoon snack: cucumber and tomato salad.

Dinner: a slice of boiled or baked skinless chicken fillet.

Diet diet on green peas

Breakfast: unsweetened muesli or plain oatmeal in the amount of 30 g (dry weight); a glass of low-fat milk; a small bran loaf or a slice of bread of a similar consistency.

Lunch (optional):

– bowl of pea soup; an omelet of two chicken eggs and a handful of green peas, cooked in a pan without oil or steamed;

– pea puree soup; pea and corn salad.

Afternoon snack: 100 g of grapes or pear; a glass of kefir.

Dinner: one of the lunch dishes or a slice of bran bread with 50 g of unsalted cheese with minimum fat content.

Contraindications for the pea diet

  • The rules of the pea diet are not suitable for everyone. It is impossible to observe the proposed method in the presence of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, acute nephritis, gout, people prone to flatulence.
  • In the presence of stomach or duodenal ulcers, of all the mentioned pea dishes, you can only use puree, and then after consulting a doctor.
  • Any of the options for the pea diet is contraindicated in pregnant women, during breastfeeding, persons who have not reached the age of majority and people of advanced age.

Benefits of the pea diet

  1. According to reviews from people who have tried the pea technique, it is characterized by easy tolerance.
  2. There is no feeling of acute hunger and, as a result, the desire to break loose.
  3. This diet is effective, it can significantly modify the body in a short time.
  4. In addition, diet products do not require significant financial costs.
  5. Nutritionists are pleased that the diet is sufficiently balanced in terms of the content of components necessary for the body.
  6. Of course, the health benefits of peas also add to the diet. This representative of legumes is famous for its high content of protein, amino acids (methionine, lysine, cysteine, tryptophan). It is not for nothing that this product is included in the diet of vegetarians, fasting people, and also athletes. The introduction of peas and dishes based on it into the menu promotes proper digestion, helps to remove toxins and toxic formations from the body, and improves metabolism. Peas also have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, helps to cope with severe swelling, gently removes sand from the kidneys, being at the same time a wonderful way to prevent urolithiasis.
  7. The antioxidants present in peas normalize cholesterol levels, promote cell rejuvenation, and are considered a preventative against cancer. Peas are especially rich in B vitamins, which has a positive effect on mental activity, increasing concentration and improving memory, as well as giving the body vigor and energy. So weakness for those who lose weight on a pea diet is unlikely to threaten.

Disadvantages of the pea diet

No matter how good the pea diet is, certain disadvantages have not bypassed it.

  • For example, some people complain about increased gas production and discomfort in the intestines.
  • Also, many people are not happy that it takes more time to prepare pea-based dishes than to cook familiar food. The fact is that peas, as a rule, need to be soaked for at least two hours before cooking.

Repeating the pea diet

Experts strongly do not recommend resorting to repeating any of the pea diet options earlier than a month and a half after its end.

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