Can pregnant women eat lemon

Can pregnant women eat lemon

The body of the expectant mother needs a lot of vitamins and fiber, the sources of which are fresh fruits, berries and vegetables. But can all fruits be allowed for pregnant women? Lemons are often on the “dubious” list, and to no avail. Sun citrus, when used correctly, can be beneficial for a woman in position.

For those who doubt whether pregnant women can use lemon, it will be interesting to know what it is called in China. In the Asian country, the citrus fruit is called “limung”, which translates as “good for mothers.”

Pregnant women can eat one lemon a week.

The beneficial effect on the woman’s body is explained by its rich composition, because lemon contains vitamins A, C, E, P, group B, flavonoids and essential oils, beta-carotene, various salts and metals. All these trace elements not only strengthen the immunity of the expectant mother, but are also useful for the development of the fetus.

But, despite the general strengthening and antiviral properties, lemon, like other citrus fruits, should be consumed in moderation during pregnancy. To maintain immunity, the expectant mother only needs to eat one fruit a week.

Why do pregnant women eat lemon?

The sun fruit can help in solving a number of problems that a woman in an interesting position may have:

  • Heartburn attacks. Fresh lemon and lemon water reduce stomach acidity and relieve heartburn.
  • Constipation. Due to the pectin and fiber content, the fruit and the water with its slice stimulate the digestive process and act as a mild laxative.
  • Swelling. Tea or hot water with lemon effectively removes excess fluid from the body, eliminating puffiness.
  • Belching. A few slices of lemon can help relieve belching that often occurs during pregnancy.
  • Excess weight. By substituting lemon juice for mayonnaise and other fatty sauces, you can reduce the number of calories and maintain a figure while waiting for the baby.

Another advantage of the fruit is its high content of ascorbic acid. This substance is useful for the expectant mother, since it is involved in the construction of the child’s bone tissue.

Whether or not pregnant women can eat lemon also depends on their overall health. The use of the fruit is contraindicated in chronic stomach diseases, an allergic reaction to citrus fruits, as well as in the presence of caries and decayed teeth. Before introducing this sour fruit into your diet, be sure to consult with your doctor.

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