Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang

Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang

Traditional therapeutic uses

Main indications: slow digestion with bloating, loose stools or constipation from sluggishness, fatigue, weakened immune system, uterine and rectal prolapse, gastric or kidney ptosis (organ collapse), convalescence, chronic disease, postpartum depression, protection of capacity physical and mental health in the elderly, protection against cancer and tumors.

In Chinese energy, invigorates the Energy of the middle hearth, raises the collapsed Yang, tonic of the digestive system and Energy

Associated symptoms : pale tongue, fine white coating, empty pulse, large, without force.


As this formula comes in different forms and strengths, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. A tonic should be taken for a minimum of one month. This tonic can be used long term.


One of the most famous and used formulas in traditional Chinese medicine. The average hearth corresponds to the capacity to digest and assimilate food. He is responsible for the triage center which eliminates what is bad and keeps what is good. It ensures the transport of nutrients to the right place in the body. A healthy average household lends vigor and increases resistance to disease.


Li Dong-yuan (1180-1251), one of the four great masters of his time, published the Treatise on the spleen and stomach where he demonstrated the importance of supporting internal organs to fight disease. Drive out the bad and tone up the good. He created the formula Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang with this in mind and he used it, modifying it as needed, to treat all kinds of illnesses. China was going through a very chaotic time: war, epidemic and famine. People were under excessive emotional and mental stress caused by these calamities. In our modern society, characterized by high stress levels and the resurgence of chronic diseases, theories of Li Dong-Yuan are experiencing a resurgence in popularity.


Since 1985, no less than 23 scientific studies have been conducted on the effects of Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang.

In 2000, a team of Chinese researchers showed, during a study on patients with primary liver cancer, that the traditional preparation could indeed increase the natural production of hematopoietic growth factor (which stimulates production of white blood cells) as well as that of tumor necrosis factor (a small natural protein that attacks cancerous tumors).1 The following year, the researchers confirmed that the preparation could stop the proliferation of liver cancer and trigger apoptosis (a natural process, absent in cancer cells, by which cell death is programmed).2

In the year 2000, Japanese researchers showed that the same preparation, which in Japan bears the name of hochu-not-to, could effectively combat an infection caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.3

In 2001, another Japanese team reported the case of a 59-year-old patient suffering from renal ptosis (collapsed kidneys) and whose condition had been markedly improved following treatment with hochu-not-to.4

Astragalus, the main ingredient in the formula, has been the subject of a number of studies for its immunostimulatory properties (see our 1001 solutions sheet on astragalus).


Contagious diseases in the acute phases, diseases manifested by thirst, restlessness, rash, fever.


Nom en pin yin

Pharmaceutical name

Therapeutic actions

Huang Qi 

Radix astragali (astragalus root)

invigorates Energy and the immune system 

Dang Shen 

Radix Codonopsis pilosulae (bellflower root)

tones Energy and Spleen 

High Liver 

Radix glycyrrhizae uralensis (licorice root)

warms the average home, harmonizes the action of plants  

Bai Zhu 

Rhizoma attractylodis macrocephalae (attractant rhizomes)

Tones the Spleen, Drains Moisture 

Chen Pi 

Péricarpium citri reticulatae (tangerine bark)

circulates Energy, tones the Spleen, dries up Moisture 

Sheng Ma 

Rhizoma cimicifugae (rhizome of black cohosh)

raises Yang Energy, treats organ descents 

Chai Hu 

Radix bupleuri (buplèvre root)

unties the Liver Energy, raises the Yang Energy 

Da Zao 

Ziziphus jujuba fruit (jujube)

tones the Spleen, nourishes the Blood 

On the shelves

The products of the following companies meet the good manufacturing practices ofAustralian Therapeutic Goods Administration, which are considered, at present, to be the highest standards in the world for the evaluation of manufacturing processes of Chinese Pharmacopoeia products.


  • Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan. Mark : Minshan, made by Lanzhou Foci Herb Factory, Lanzhou, China.


  • Buzhong Yiqi Wan. Mark : Tanglong; manufactured by Gansu Medicines & Health Products I / E Corp, Lanzhou, China

Available in Chinese herbalists, many natural health product stores, as well as distributors of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine equipment.

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