Bristle-haired polypore (Inonotus hispidus)

  • Tinsel bristly
  • Tinsel bristly;
  • Shaggy mushroom;
  • Spongy mushroom;
  • Velutinus mushroom;
  • Hemisdia hispidus;
  • Phaeoporus hispidus;
  • Polyporus hispidus;
  • Xanthochrous hispidus.

The bristle-haired tinder fungus (Inonotus hispidus) is a fungus of the Hymenochetes family, belonging to the genus Inonotus. Known to many mycologists as a parasite of ash trees, which provokes the development of white rot on these trees.

External Description

The fruiting bodies of the bristle-haired tinder fungus are cap-shaped, annual, grow mostly singly, sometimes they are tiled, with 2-3 caps at once. Moreover, with the surface of the substrate, the fruiting bodies grow together widely. The cap of the bristle-haired tinder fungus is 10 * 16 * 8 cm in size. The upper part of the caps in young mushrooms is characterized by a reddish-orange color, becomes red-brown as it matures, and even dark brown, almost black. Its surface is velvety, covered with small hairs. The color of the edges of the cap is uniform with the color of the entire fruiting body.

The flesh of the bristle-haired tinder fungus is brown, but near the surface and along the edges of the cap it is lighter. It does not have zones of different colors, and the structure can be characterized as radially fibrous. Upon contact with certain chemical components, it may change its color to black.

In immature mushrooms, the pores that are part of the hymenophore are characterized by a yellowish-brown tint and have an irregular shape. Gradually, their color changes to rusty brown. There are 1-2 spores per 3 mm of area. the hymenophore has a tubular type, and the tubules in its composition have a length of 0.5-4 cm, and an ocher-rusty color. The spores of the described species of fungi are almost spherical in shape, they can be broadly elliptical. Their surface is often smooth. Basidia consist of four spores, have a broad club-like shape. The bristle-haired tinder fungus (Inonotus hispidus) has a monomitic hyphal system.

Grebe season and habitat

The range of the bristle-haired tinder fungus is circumpolar, so the fruiting bodies of this species can often be found in the Northern Hemisphere, in its temperate region. The described species is a parasite and affects mainly trees belonging to broad-leaved species. Most often, bristle-haired tinder fungus can be seen on the trunks of apple, alder, ash and oak trees. The presence of the parasite was also noticed on birch, hawthorn, walnut, mulberry, ficus, pear, poplar, elm, grapes, plum, fir, horse chestnuts, beeches, and euonymus.


Inedible, toxic. It provokes the development of putrefactive processes on the trunks of living deciduous trees.

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