Blues: how to smile again?

Blues: how to smile again?

What could be more human than feeling a drop in morale from time to time… Depending on the person, more or less sensitive to light, this can happen more often in winter than in summer. Anyway, there are several ways to regain our enthusiasm and joie de vivre, by yourself, by following the following tips.

Discover in this article all our advice to find a smile in a sustainable way.

Blues: temporary blues or depression

Depending on how you feel and the frequency of these blues, we will not react in the same way. True depression is vastly different from passing blues.

The difference lies in the duration mainly in attitudes: lasting loss of interest in any activity, change in weight and sleep habits, intense sadness most of the time with changing moods, difficulty concentrating, especially at work .

If these elements persist over time, it is advisable to consult a health professional quickly, without hesitating to mention all the symptoms. In this case of depression, your will alone and the kind words from those around you are not enough, and this is normal.

If these symptoms are temporary, we speak of depression, which we can overcome alone, with the help of a few ideas.

How to react ?

Physical activity

When the dark thoughts are more numerous, it is often a question of putting the body back on the road first. Playing sports makes you feel better in your body and therefore in your head. The brain triggers the secretion of endorphins and serotonin (natural antidepressant) during physical exertion, allowing this pleasant feeling of euphoria when one is in full sport. Sport also builds confidence and self-esteem.

Exposing yourself to daylight

It is no coincidence that we often feel more depressed in winter, when the days are shorter. Daylight is essential for good morale. It is necessary to be exposed for more than an hour a day, otherwise the body functions as if it is night all the time, with its share of lack of energy and slower metabolism. Most efficient in the morning or at noon, the sunlight will allow you to recharge your vitamin D batteries, and maintain excellent morale.

Eat in a balanced way

Along with physical activity, eating well and taking care of yourself, not to mention the pleasure of eating, is another essential aspect of maintaining a positive state of mind. Favor fresh fruits, especially for your snacks, keeping in mind to prepare for meals “triangular” plates, containing proteins (fish, meat, eggs, etc.), vegetables and starches. Certain foods are particularly recommended in case of temporary depression, since they contain important minerals for the brain, in large quantities.

Thus, if you are looking to soothe great fatigue and irritability, fill your lack of magnesium by consuming dried fruits and nuts and chocolate in moderation.

Tryptophan, an amino acid responsible in large part for our joy of living (because it produces serotonin), can be found in good quantities in bananas.

Also, oats, or whole grains and legumes are rich.

Finally, do not forget green vegetables, rich in vitamin B (correcting many disorders) and fatty fish oils, rich in omega 3, such as salmon and mackerel. But the main idea here remains to have fun while eating, in times of depression.

Speaking, writing and practicing gratitude

If you can find an attentive and trusting ear, bringing up the few worries that weigh on you can allow, beyond their resolution, to free you from a significant nervous tension. Talking to a psychologist or other health professional is of course even better, in order to express the emotions that overwhelm us during times of depression.

Without being able to speak, writing what encumbers us inside often has the same effect, failing to be able to speak, because writing allows us to put our problems at a distance. We can even try to put it down on paper every day, three things that we feel grateful for. Gratitude, practiced regularly, would indeed help to feel more joyful and satisfied with his life.

Do something that makes us feel good

… whether reading a good book, watching a series, a movie that makes us laugh, having a drink with a friend, taking a hot bubble bath, having a massage, gardening, drawing or coloring: all the ideas for getting away from it all and pampering yourself are welcome! It’s about being gentle with yourself.

Meditate and practice yoga

Recognized for their positive effects on the mind and positivity, meditation and yoga can quickly become assets in your fight against depression. If you don’t have an acquaintance or a club nearby, there are many applications on the internet that make it easy to practice, even for beginners.

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