Birthday of Russian vodka

I think, however, it is not superfluous to note that consideration of the totality of currently known facts relating to indefinite chemical compounds leads me to the conviction that certain chemical compounds constitute only a particular case of indefinite chemical compounds, that a more complete study of the latter will be reflected in theoretical views on the whole body of chemical information.

DI. Mendeleev, Introduction to his doctoral dissertation.

Event Causing Informal Establishment Birthday vodka, happened in 1865. On this day in St. Petersburg he defended his famous doctoral dissertation “On the combination of alcohol with water”, on which he worked in 1863-1864. The dissertation is kept in the museum of the great scientist – at St. Petersburg State University.

The aim of the work was to study the specific gravity of alcohol + water solutions, depending on the concentration of these solutions and temperature. In other words, studies of the specific gravity of the mixtures were carried out at various temperatures and concentrations, ranging from anhydrous alcohol to a solution of 50 wt% and then to 0%.

In chapters 4 and 5 of the dissertation, named, respectively, “On the greatest compression occurring during the mutual dissolution of anhydrous alcohol and water” and “On the change in specific gravity when alcohol is combined with water”, it is said about the results of the study of water-alcohol solutions, including with a concentration of 33,4% by weight or 40% by volume. It is quite obvious that not a word is said about either the physiological or biochemical effects of the systems under study on a living organism.


January 31 can be considered the day of yet another contribution to world science made by the great Russian scientist D.I. Mendeleev. By the way, it is known that they were not limited to scientific research.

But what about vodka? Some sources report that white bread wine was brought to Russia from Scandinavia in the 16th century; others – which is 100 years earlier, from. There is also information that in Russia strong drinks were consumed already in the 11-12 centuries. By the way, the strength of vodka in Russia has never been a dogma. Traditionally, they produced different varieties – 38, 45 and even 56 degrees. Now, as you know, there are also stronger varieties.

But still, celebrating the birthday of this famous drink, you should remember that alcohol is harmful to health. This is confirmed by many scientific studies, and the distorted fate of not only alcohol abusers, but also their loved ones.

It is no coincidence that in 1985 the World Health Organization (WHO) recognized alcohol and tobacco as narcotic substances, and the book “The Truth About Legal Drugs” notes that 45 grams of alcohol, regardless of the culture of consumption, will definitely kill 1000 neurons in the brain. Who has them superfluous?

Let’s remind that September 11 is celebrated, and October 3 in many countries of the world -.

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