International dessert day

What unites concepts such as tiramisu, roasted nuts, pudding, chak-chak, cheesecake, eclair, marzipan, charlotte, strudel, ice cream, as well as the dates of November 12 and February 1? It becomes immediately obvious to most that this list can go on for a very long time. All of them are varieties of popular desserts – dishes served after the main meal to create a pleasant taste.

Someone will be surprised not to see their favorite dessert among the listed, which only confirms the variety of dessert dishes. But what connects the dates against this background and, we will try to figure it out a little later.

Desserts are present in almost all cuisines of the world, have their own history, the appearance of some even overgrown with legends, while others are associated with the names of famous historical figures.

The popularity of delicious dishes called desserts has reached the point that among unofficial holidays, days dedicated to a particular dessert began to appear – for example,,,,, etc.


Finally, there appeared and uniting all these holidays International dessert day… It is also unofficial in nature and is distributed mainly through fans and the Internet. True, until now, among the lovers of sweets, a common opinion has not been formed as to when to celebrate this holiday. Someone advocates meeting him on November 12, someone – on February 1. The appearance of the second date is obviously due to the incredible popularity of the cake-pop dessert, created in the United States with the participation of blogger and pastry chef Angie Dudley, and which gained widespread acceptance and recognition in 2008.

Perhaps, after some time, the date will be definitively determined, although for those who cannot deny themselves the pleasure of eating their favorite dessert dish, the exact date of the holiday is not so important.

It is worth noting that dessert is not always a sweet dish (sometimes cheese or caviar is used in this capacity), so it cannot be said for certain that dessert is the destiny of an exclusively sweet tooth.

Celebrating International Dessert Day involves different scenarios, depending only on personal preferences, free time and imagination. It can be a festival, flash mob, exhibition or competition, where participants present their own dessert to the guests and taste other participants’ dessert creations. Social networks can also become a platform for contests, where it will be possible to evaluate the originality of the design of the presented dish, discuss recipes, and simply talk about your favorite desserts. The main thing should remain that this holiday will not be limited to the celebration of one, albeit a very beloved dish, but will allow you to see the diversity of creative ideas of confectioners and culinary specialists!

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