Beautiful and Easy Ways to XNUMX Minute Meditation

Meditation is not only a scientifically proven way to cope with stress that damages your health and relationships with others. It is also an opportunity to fully live every moment of your life. I have tried (and continue to try) different meditation practices, from this simple one-minute technique to transcendental meditation. Here are some more beautiful meditation techniques that are suitable for any person, especially for beginners. Five minutes is enough to get started.


A great method to relax and focus. Use a tea or candle with a relatively long wick. Find a quiet place and place the candle on the table so that it is at eye level. Light it and look at the flame, gradually relaxing. Spend five minutes quietly observing the flame: how it dances, what colors you see. If any thoughts come to mind, just let them drift by and keep your eyes on the candle. When you feel ready to end your meditation, close your eyes for a few minutes and visualize this flame. Save this image. Then take a deep breath, exhale and open your eyes. During the day, if you need a moment of rest, periodically close your eyes and imagine a candle flame again.



Find a flower that fits in your hands. Sit comfortably and look at him. Pay attention to colors, shape and flavor. Try to look at him with fondness. Imagine that this flower is your friend or someone you know. Smile at the flower and look at it, at the same time not looking up from what is happening around. Keep a kind look: your eyes should feel that this flower radiates love, healing and positive energy that flows through the eyes into your body. Feel gratitude for such a wonderful flower and spend a few minutes with this feeling, and then close your eyes. Keep the image of the flower in your imagination. When you are ready to finish your meditation, take a few deep breaths and then concentrate on your body. Open your eyes carefully and pay full attention to the sensations of the body.

Counting thoughts

This great technique will teach you to focus and be mindful of yourself. It is partly similar to how many people count imaginary sheep to help them fall asleep faster. You need to sit comfortably in a quiet place on the floor against a wall with your legs extended or crossed, or even lie down. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and as you exhale, start tracking and counting your thoughts. Notice whatever you think about during this period, and after five minutes open your eyes. Say the resulting number out loud, and do not let it evoke any emotion in you. Know that the number itself does not matter at all, the goal is to be in the present moment.

Deliberate walk

If you cannot be alone and devote a few minutes to meditation, try an alternative technique – go for a walk! Take a walk in the park, on the footpath, on the beach, or spend some time in nature. At the same time, walk consciously: take measured, slow steps and really pay attention to everything that surrounds you. Breathe in the scent of flowers, look at the leaves, walk barefoot if possible. As you walk, observe your body movements, your thoughts, your emotions and try to stay in the present moment. You may even start humming a tune unconsciously. Whatever happens around, do not pay too much attention to it and do not make any judgments. If you are tired, lie on the grass and watch the clouds in the sky. Or stand on the grass for a few minutes, pressing your feet and toes into the soil, pretending to be growing out of the soil. This is a great way to attract the energy of nature. After a few minutes, you will feel more relaxed and at ease.

Remember, whatever happens to you when you meditate is good. Perhaps your thoughts drift away, you lose focus, cannot relax, or even fall asleep – it does not matter. Just pay attention to it and go back. Your body knows what it is doing, so trust it in the process.


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