Basic rules for those with a sweet tooth

If you decisively cannot live without sweets, and the reflection in the mirror hints at the consequences in the form of excess weight, then disaster can be avoided. You just need to develop a strategic plan and finally become the right sweet tooth.

Sweets are simple carbohydrates. Once in our body and instantly absorbed, they increase blood sugar levels, give us a wonderful mood and make us feel energized and euphoric. The insidiousness is that, barely rising, the sugar drops sharply again, and now the hand is already reaching for the chocolate bar. And if you are not a bodybuilder or jumping person, and do not use up the received energy right there, sweets will surely settle in new folds on your body.

All of this applies to white sugar – the insidious enemy of any diet. So sit down and think about what you can replace sugar with.

Honey – the first delicacy available to us in terms of price and quality. It contains a lot of useful substances – minerals, organic acids, vitamins, perfectly strengthens the immune system and gives a feeling of satiety. Behaves well in baking, suitable for making sauces.


Brown sugar – quite an expensive pleasure, but if you know when to stop, you can use it sparingly and to the point. It is best for making caramel and baked goods as it has a caramel flavor on its own. Brown sugar is a storehouse of vitamins: magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium and phosphorus.

Black chocolate – unlike dairy, it is not so easy to consume in bars because of its bitter taste. Besides, it gives a feeling of satiety for a long time and is well absorbed. Reduces the calorie content of baked goods without losing taste.

Dried fruits can completely replace the sweetener in cereals and cocktails. A dessert in its own right and a great alternative to a snack on the run. You can dry almost any berries yourself, or you can use the services of markets – the abundance of dried fruits on the shelves is amazing!

If you are already visiting the store, stock up marshmallows, pastilles or jellies and marmalades for a rainy day”. Of course, they contain sugar, but the calorie content of these sweets is small, and they contain useful fiber. And if it’s completely sad, it’s better to eat a marshmallow than a shortbread cake.

Sugar substitutes – natural and artificial – not the best choice for a healthy lifestyle. But their rare use is justified, for example, with rare baking for the holiday. Many of them have side effects. Unpleasant aftertaste and not fully understood effects on the body. Some of the few that are actually safe are fructose and stevia. However, fructose is almost identical in calories to sucrose, and many people don’t like stevia.

Don’t try to reject your sweet tooth, but at the same time, don’t let your sweet tooth take over.

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