Balanced meals, good eating habits… it’s simple!

You are breastfeeding, don’t weigh it every day

Unlike the bottle, when you breastfeed, you never know how much your baby is drinking. What is can be stressful. Especially if your child is a little weight. So don’t rush to rent a scale. “There is no point in weighing your child every day and even less after feedings to see the quantities he has ingested”, advises Dr Sarah Bursaux, pediatrician. Indeed, an infant does not drink the same quantities of milk at each feeding. He may have more appetite at one time and less at others. And it also varies from day to day. When the child is less than 3 months old, it is best to weigh it once a week. No more ! And no need to have a scale at home. You can go and weigh it at the pediatrician (there may be a scale available in the waiting room), the midwife or in PMI.

He does not finish his bib, what solutions?

Your little one drinks only half of his bottle. It is not a drama! The main thing is to make sure he is not sick. Which could explain his temporary lack of appetite. For example, with his nose caught, he will have difficulty sucking and will quickly refuse his bib. But even in good health, an infant can be less hungry. Do not worry and above all do not force it. “If he has drunk very little, he will surely claim quickly, you can then offer him another bottle without waiting for the 2-3 hour period”, specifies Professor Patrick Tounian, Head of the pediatric nutrition and gastroenterology department, Trousseau Hospital (Paris).


Your child is regurgitating, how do you know if they are getting enough food?

Many babies regurgitate during the first few months. It’s physiological. The cause ? The small valve between the stomach and the esophagus is not yet closing properly. And when the stomach is full, there may be little upsurges of milk. Regurgitations always seem very abundant even if in reality the quantity is not that important. “Most of the time, regurgitation does not affect weight gain,” says Dr. Sarah Bursaux. Because if your child regurgitates a lot, he will catch up with the next feeding. So if her weight curve is normal, no worries. As your child grows, things will get better. However, for his comfort, the pediatrician may recommend a carob flour thickened milk sold in supermarkets or AR milk sold in pharmacies. “On the other hand, if the regurgitation is poorly tolerated, treatment may be necessary”, continues the pediatrician.

Beginning of diversification, is milk still important?

We are often in a hurry for our baby to eat like a grown-up. Resist the temptation to favor purees over milk. In the first year, milk remains the main food to avoid deficiencies and ensure good growth for your child. The discovery of solid foods is useful for awakening your taste buds. It is therefore important that he drinks three bottles of milk a day or that he feeds at least four times if you are breastfeeding him. As a benchmark, a child under one year old should consume 700 ml of infant milk. “In addition, before 1 year of age, infant milk should not be replaced by yogurts because they do not cover your needs in iron and essential fatty acids,” adds Professor Patrick Tounian.

In video: The expert’s opinion: how do I choose my baby’s first spoons? Marie Ruffier, pediatric occupational therapist answers.

How to make him like his first vegetables?

It is advisable to start diversifying your diet between 4 to 6 months. At this age, the child’s digestive system is able to digest foods other than milk. And it’s also the right timing to introduce new foods without risking allergies. But there is no precise age. It depends on your little one. Some babies show their desire for solid foods early on, while others need more time. If your little one opens his mouth as soon as he sees you eating or if he wants to grab the food when you are at the table, now is the right time to offer him vegetables in the form of purees. Very smooth at first. You can give it all the vegetables that are easy to digest (carrot, pumpkin, zucchini, parsnip…). You can also introduce cooked and finely mixed fruit. Generally, sweet flavors will be more easily accepted.

What if he is constipated with diversification?

Constipation or diarrhea are common problems when a baby begins to eat solid foods. Normal, his diet is completely changed. “Transit disorders are transient, while the enzymes that allow digestion are created in the intestine,” explains Dr Sarah Bursaux. In the meantime, it is better to vary the vegetables each day rather than offering the same at each meal. This makes it possible to better regulate its transit. On the other hand, some infants who suffered from constipation with infant milk are more comfortable as soon as they have a diversified diet because, in fact, you can promote foods that help transit such as green vegetables.

How much food to give him?

At what age should he finish his 130g jar? Should we give him mashed potatoes for lunch and dinner? How many compotes per day? … We often lack benchmarks. And the recommendations are not always very clear. Note that the amounts generally indicated by the pediatrician or in the books are given as an indication. They do not take into account the differences in weight between children of the same age. It is obvious that a 10 month old child who weighs 5 kilos more than another child of the same age will eat more! Trust your child.

My child eats little, what should I do?

While it can be scary and at times overwhelming to watch your little one take just three or four tablespoons of mash and then turn her head, stay calm. This is essential so as not to put too much pressure during meals. Indeed, some babies are small eaters and others have more appetite. This does not bode well for their future appetite. In the meantime, let him regulate his appetite without overdoing it. He has the right to be more or less hungry depending on the meal and the day.

5 fruits and vegetables a day, also for the little ones?

We all know the official recommendation for the five fruits and vegetables to eat per day. But for us adults, it is already not easy to respect it then for children even less. “Especially since it is not at all suitable for the youngest,” says Professor Patrick Tounian. One to two plants per day are more than enough. Because if they eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, they will no longer be hungry for other foods (milk, meat, fish, etc.) which are essential for their growth and to avoid iron deficiencies in particular. Conclusion: we stop worrying because he only eats a puree and a compote and we offer him balanced menus.

Until what age should you give infant milk?

From 10-12 months, we are often tempted to offer them classic cow’s milk. But, this one is not suitable for the youngest. It is better to opt for growth milk which is enriched with iron, essential fatty acids and vitamins. Until when ? “It should be given until the child manages to eat 100 to 150 g of meat per day”, explains Professor Patrick Tounian. Amount needed to cover its iron needs. Depending on the child, it can be 3 years or later. And while waiting for him to consume so much meat, how much infant milk should he give on a daily basis? From one year, a bottle per day is sufficient, provided you add two dairy products (yogurt, cheese…) to provide enough calcium and a meat portion for the iron. And when stopping infant milk, it is recommended to switch to two meat products and three dairy products per day.

He loses weight, how to react?

Your baby was growing well, but suddenly they lose weight or their weight starts to stagnate. Check in with the pediatrician to diagnose the causes. Most of the time, everyday situations can influence their appetite and lead to temporary weight loss that you should not worry about.

-The entry into the nursery, a move or any other change within the family

-Gastroenteritis but also nasopharyngitis, otitis, tonsillitis … in short, all the small common diseases.

-The taking of antibiotics

– Around 18 months-2 years old when the little one asserts his personality and enters a refusal phase. He then begins to reject certain foods and can eat less.

A balanced plate is easy!

I don’t have time to make homemade meals, are the jars safe?

Don’t beat yourself up, baby foods can complement homemade meals. Although the recent tainted milk scandal has cast doubt on these products, you should know that baby food regulations are very strict. So from field to plate, a small pot undergoes around 165 checks! On the nutritional side, the little jars are balanced. Protein, lipids and carbohydrates are dosed to meet the needs of children under 3 years old. Small flat, the textures are often too smooth to adapt to the greatest number of children. Good idea, you can use the small pots of vegetables as a base to compose a complete dish. For example for your 10-12 month old child if you do not have time to stem green beans, take a ready-made pot and add mashed potatoes, meat and rapeseed oil to it. . Here is a balanced plate!

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