Baby is doing well

Babywearing, all parents use it, but most are unaware of its contribution to the well-being of Baby. Research has shown that “skin to skin” can reduce the production of stress hormones by 74% – the same hormones that interfere with sleep and make digestion poor.

In other words, a baby carried is a baby who sleeps and digests better! The vertical position in which the toddler is installed in the baby carrier promotes good transit (ideal for those used to colic) and the ascent of small burps. It also helps reduce regurgitation.

Your movements stimulate his hallways!

These two small cavities located behind each eardrum regulate the balance in humans. Your baby, if you carry it, will hold on to its two feet more quickly… This is what has been observed in Africa where babywearing is frequent: children know how to run on average at twelve months, compared to twenty-four months for children. Europeans. The baby carrier is ideal for waking up. At human height, your little one picks up scents and noises and sees a lot more things than sitting in a stroller with your nose in the exhaust pipes! Having him close to your face also allows you to interact with him : Moms who use the baby carrier generally admit talking to him more… Baby stores up a bunch of words and starts talking sooner.

Carrying your child, not on your stomach but on the side, protects him from possible hip problems. In Germany, the “frog” position – thighs slightly apart and raised – is one of the recommendations included in the context of the prevention and treatment of dysplasia (dislocation).

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