Baby at the sea: precautions to take at the beach

Seaside holidays: watch out for small accidents!

While some beaches are well maintained, others can be polluted. In order to avoid unpleasant surprises, Check with the town hall and the Departmental Directorate of Health and Social Affairs (DDASS) on the quality of the water and the cleanliness of the beach where you want to spend your vacation. Also, even if the place seems clean to you, avoid letting your child play naked in the sand. He could get an infection or get irritation from microorganisms. If it is a girl, then the risk of vulvitis is higher.

Sand can also get into Baby’s eyes. In this case, prevent your child from rubbing and clean them with physiological saline. If your baby has swallowed sand, clean the inside of his mouth with a wet cloth and make him spit it out.

Last but not least,  when returning from the beach, always shower your baby and insist on all the small folds.

Sea urchins, jellyfish, live animals: what to do in case of bites?

Between sea urchins, vives and jellyfish, danger is everywhere in the sea, but also under the sand … And it is not uncommon to get stung. To avoid accidents, plastic sandals, also called jellyfish, are required all summer long. to walk on the beach and to swim in the sea!

If your baby has been stung by a jellyfish, prevent him from scratching and rinse the red patch thoroughly with sea water. Pour vinegar on it to inactivate the venom and disinfect with an alcohol-based antiseptic lotion. Also give your child an analgesic to calm the pain and if itches too much, apply cream. Another risk of sting: sea urchins. If your child has stuck a sea urchin thorn, carefully remove it with tweezers after dipping the child’s foot in water to soften the skin.

 Finally, if your baby has been stung by a sharp bite, bring a heat source near the affected area. Indeed, the venom of this fish is heat labile: it is inactivated by heat. Disinfect the wound properly. Then go to a doctor who will explain the treatment to you. Be aware that such a sting can cause discomfort. Perform first aid actions if your child loses consciousness and call for help.

The dangers of swimming

Obviously, at sea, with children, the greatest caution is in order. Know thata toddler can drown in just a few inches of water. You should therefore never relax your surveillance, even if it means taking over if you are several adults. Also, if your child is old enough to wear them, leave their armbands on while they are on the beach. It may also be useful to learn about first aid procedures, especially in the event of drowning, before you go on vacation.

Note that before the age of one, a toddler cannot regulate their body temperature. He can therefore catch cold if he stays in the water for more than 5 minutes. As soon as it comes out of the water, dry it with a towel. Also know that if your child is not yet walking, he is more at risk of hydrocution if you immerse him in the water too hard because he stayed dry for a long time without moving. So take it in your arms to enter the water and make a bulwark with your body. Wet him gradually: his feet, his legs, then his belly and his chest.

At the sea, protect Baby from the sun

Children’s skin is extremely fragile. At the beach, the water and the sand reflecting the sun’s rays, it is essential to protect your baby. Even in the shade, your child should wear a T-shirt, hat, sunglasses. Also, don’t forget to coat it with sunscreen. Reapply regularly, especially after bathing. You should also avoid very hot hours. Take your child to the beach in the cooler hours, that is to say from 9 to 11 am and from 16 to 18 pm.

Despite all these precautions, has your child sunburned? Apply soothing burn cream to the lesions. Do not pierce the blisters if there are any, cover them with a non-stick greasy bandage or greasy tulle. If the signs seem more serious, call the SAMU or the fire department.

In case of heat stroke, put your baby in a cool, quiet place. Cool it down by giving it a drink. If you can, bathe him in 37 ° C water to gently lower his body temperature. Everything should go back to normal. If this is not the case, if his behavior seems abnormal to you, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. If he seems listless, feverish and has vomited, it may be a sign of dehydration.

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