Attractants for pike

To provoke a pike to bite during its activity is a matter of time, which depends only on the experience of the angler. Catching a spotted predator during the period of pecking is much more difficult.

What tricks do anglers not go to in order for the desired bite to take place. They change the wiring, make pauses of different duration in its process, use various baits. Recently, the use of attractants has been added to the number of such methods. After the latter showed themselves well when catching peaceful fish, manufacturers of fishing products decided to test them on predatory fish.

What is an attractant?

Attractant (from lat. attraho – I attract to myself) is a special extract, in other words, a smell that attracts this or that fish. The attractant is applied to the bait, which makes it more attractive to potential victims of fishing enthusiasts.

There is an opinion that attractants cause a feeling of hunger in fish – this is not so. They only lure the fish to the place. But since your hook is located in this place, most likely the fish will swallow it too.


Attractants come in several varieties. Impregnation liquids are one of the most powerful attractants. Before use, the bait is placed in a container with an attractant. For a good result, it is recommended to keep the bait in it for about 5-10 seconds.

Sprays (they are used for spraying nozzles) and gel attractants, which are applied directly to the bait, are considered no less effective and more convenient. As a rule, they are successfully used in spinning fishing.

Dry attractants have also received recognition. Under the influence of water, the amino acids contained in them are activated, which attracts predatory fish well and quickly.

Attractants and spinning

Attractants have recently been used in spinning fishing, although examples of provoking a predator with the help of well-known natural lures have been known for a long time. Experienced anglers often used some fresh blood to soak their bait. The same foam rubber fish, in the absence of artificial odors, were successfully soaked in the fresh blood of a small fish caught. The industry for the production of goods for fishing has only taken this process to a new level – it is enough to “drop” the attractant on the bait, and try to make fishing productive.

Popular attractants for pike fishing, principle of operation

Pike, as one of the most common representatives of predatory fish, in their hunting focuses more on vision and the lateral line. This is determined by nature, which does not give her much time to attack live bait or other bait. The two senses work faster than the sense of smell, but it cannot be discounted either. It is not for nothing that experienced amateur fishermen make small cuts on the live bait – its blood helps to provoke the pike in those moments when the predator is not active.

This feature was taken into account by manufacturers of pike attractants, releasing them in the form of:

  • hey;
  • spray
  • oils;
  • paste.

The method of their application is simple – you need to apply them on the bait before casting. Sometimes it makes sense to soak it in an attractant (for example, they do it with foam rubber fish and silicone baits). With advance preparation for entering the reservoir, you can use this method. For use in the process of fishing itself, a spray or gel (cream lubricant) is more suitable – due to its ease of use.

The material of the bait absorbs a certain amount of attractant, which gives off when it enters the water, especially at the beginning of the wiring. This smell is stimulating, encouraging the fish to take action. Fishing always serves as an open field for experiments, since it is not known what can provoke a predator to bite at the current moment. In combination with such factors as changing the type of wiring, the color of the bait, the use of fishing “chemistry” can give a good result during the period of no bite.

Let’s look at the two most popular pike attractants.

Mega Strike (Mega Strike Pike)

Widespread advertising of the next “miracle bait” is always alarming for experienced anglers. They are well aware that the sense of smell is not a strong quality of the pike and the smell of the bait will not play a decisive role in the commission of the vole. But! The studies conducted by the manufacturer have shown that the “zest” that increases the number of realized bites is the enthusiasm of the fish when attacking the bait.

A pike that has smelled a pleasant smell for her will more violently grab a lure (twister, wobbler, etc.). This will give a few extra seconds to the spinner, enough to react to the first hit of a fish that has swallowed the bait well. Fewer exits means fewer disappointments. Attractants for pikeMega strike series Pike (translated from English – pike) is available in the form of a gel. Apply directly to the bait before casting. This attractant is ideal for pike fishing, as it is supplied with a sufficient amount of amino acids and natural ingredients. The manufacturer, of course, does not disclose the full composition of the mixture. Mega Strike Pike has a large number of positive reviews from spinning rods, many of whom are happy with the rather strong smell of the product and its performance. But there are those who consider its action to be diametrically opposed. Price: 580-600 rubles for 57 gr. tube.

Double hit “Pike”

The “Double Strike” attractant is applied according to the same principle – a gel-lubricant is smeared on the surface of the bait. Gradually dissolving in water, it attracts a nearby predator. After it approaches the bait, it makes it stronger to cling to the attacked lure, “rubber” or wobbler. Issue price: 150-200 rubles per 60 ml. Attractants for pikeThe opinions and reviews of anglers about this pike attractant, as in the case of Mega Strike, were divided. Some consider it a marketing ploy, others note the confident reaction of predatory fish. There is no single answer to the questions that arise.

What to look for

When catching pike, and just before you buy, you should pay attention to the composition of the attractant: pike bite better on plant components: amino acids, herbal and algae extracts. Chemical or strong synthetic odors will only scare the fish away. Being a very fastidious predator, the pike does not react well to smells, but it smells blood well. Therefore, it is recommended to use this particular smell, as well as make cuts on the bait fish (in the case of live bait fishing).

For pikes, the second most preferred after blood is the smell of crayfish. Next on the list are anise, garlic, herring. The pike also reacts to salt, especially during the molting period, since salt contains substances necessary for its body.

Do-it-yourself attractant for pike

If you started hunting for pike, and the desired attractant was not at hand, you can try to make it yourself. The main quality for a homemade attractant, in addition to its smell, is the resistance to washing off. This function is performed by Vaseline. Also, almost all predatory fish react positively to salt. Therefore, the first thing we will need is Vaseline and salt. Just as mentioned above, blood is needed to lure a pike. It can be obtained by cutting the already existing caught fish. For bonding, you will have to use fishmeal.

Bottom line: in order to make a pike bait with your own hands, you need to mix vaseline, about 40-50 grams, a couple of tablespoons of fishmeal, fish blood and dumb salt. Mix it all, having achieved a homogeneous mass, it is advisable to insist 15-20 minutes.

The use of attractants at different times of the year

You can use various flavors at any time of the year, but some seasonal features should be taken into account.

In the autumn

The best aromatics for a predator in autumn are spicy and animal smells. The water temperature has not yet reached its minimum, so the smell will dissolve quite well in the water. You can use any purchased attractants for pike, from natural attractants, canned fish, dried blood, fish oil are well suited.

in winter

When using aromatics in winter, the main thing is not to scare away the predator with a strong smell. Sufficiently light animal smells are welcome. Some attractants are adapted for use in the cold season and, due to their lighter composition, solve the problem of odor concentration and distribution under water, which is noticeably slower in winter.

Is it worth it?

Not a single attractant for predatory fish can replace knowledge and fishing experience. Before using it, you should study the preferences of the inhabitants of the local reservoir, ask local anglers about their experience in using aromatics. And then, with proper and dosed application, you can increase the number of effective bites.

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