
General description of the disease


Ascites (dropsy) is a disease characterized by the accumulation of free fluid in the peritoneum. Dropsy is the main sign of the existence of serious health problems (for example, the presence of cirrhosis of the liver, heart failure, various malignant neoplasms).

The reasons for the development of ascites:

  • the occurrence of blood clots in the liver;
  • violation of the water-salt balance;
  • swelling;
  • the connective tissue of the liver develops in excess;
  • hepatic and heart failure;
  • malignant tumors (if metastasis is directed to the abdominal cavity);
  • inflammatory and infectious processes, allergic reactions occurring in the abdominal cavity, increase its damage, which in turn enhances the flow of fluid into the peritoneum;
  • improper diet;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the autoimmune type.

Signs of ascites:

  1. 1 a sharp increase in body weight;
  2. 2 the stomach evenly increases in size, its skin shines (with a large amount of content);
  3. 3 if the volumes are insignificant, the area near the navel becomes flat, and the flanks of the abdomen begin to bulge (otherwise they say that the belly has become like that of a frog or looks like the head of a jellyfish);
  4. 4 shortness of breath begins;
  5. 5 umbilical hernia;
  6. 6 hemorrhoids;
  7. 7 varicose veins in the legs;
  8. 8 with a prolonged course of the disease – veins appear on the abdomen.

In diseases of the liver and heart, fluid in the abdominal cavity is accumulated gradually, not intensively. In inflammatory processes or malignant tumors, the fluid accumulates suddenly and abruptly. The second variant of the course of the disease is much less common than the first.

The course of the disease can be divided into 3 stages:

  • initial – no more than half a liter of free fluid has accumulated in the abdominal cavity, the presence of which is difficult to determine visually (at this stage, dropsy is treated with diet and control over the consumed level of water and salt);
  • pronounced – the abdomen has increased in volume, but soft (at this stage, ascites is also well treated, sometimes puncture is used, and so you can get rid of the disease with the help of traditional medicine and diet);
  • terminal (dressed up) – passes into the third stage from the second very rapidly if the diet is not followed and treatment is not timely (fluid accumulates in the abdomen in large volumes (sometimes up to 25 liters), laparocentesis should be used for treatment in combination with traditional medicine and diet.

Useful foods for ascites (dropsy)

With dropsy, it is recommended to follow the Aviscene diet. According to his instructions, the patient should not eat much and replace soup and borscht with a simple broth cooked from chicken (without skin), rabbit meat or lean veal. You can also cook it from fish, mushrooms or olives. Parsley, marjoram, celery, cinnamon, ginger, fennel, suneli hops must be added to the broth. These spices and herbs help to open up blockages in the body, many of them, directly, have a positive effect on the liver.

Cereals and cereals must be replaced with nuts (especially peanuts, hazelnuts and walnuts). It is very useful to combine nuts with honey ..


From sweets, it is recommended to eat only homemade jam, jelly, marshmallows.

Any fruit can be used, but only in dried form.

The recommended volume of liquid to be consumed per day is no more than 1 liter per day.

All food should be boiled or steamed and not necessarily salted.

Traditional medicine for ascites

In order to increase the effectiveness of drug therapy in the third stage or to cure ascites of the first and second stages, traditional medicine recipes should be used:

  • In order for the excess fluid to come out, you need to drink a diuretic, but one that would not give a strong load on the kidneys and complications. This effect has a decoction of dried beans. To prepare 2 liters of broth, you will need 2 tablespoons of chopped pods. They need to be boiled for a quarter of an hour, allowed to cool (during this time, the broth will be infused) and filtered. You need to drink 300 milliliters per day in 3 doses. To enhance the effect, take 1 tablespoon of bean pods and the same amount of corn stigmas. The preparation method and dosage are the same.
  • Since ascites negatively affects the work of the heart and causes its various pathologies, it is necessary to strengthen the heart muscle. To do this, you need to drink a decoction of spring adonis. One tablespoon of adonis is poured with 400 milliliters of hot water. The broth should be prepared before going to bed in a thermos (so it will be infused overnight). In the morning, strain the broth and drink 1 tablespoon. The break between receptions is two hours. The method of taking the adonis infusion: 3 through 4 (that is, it is necessary to drink the decoction every 3 hours for 2 tbsp. Spoon for 1 days, then give the body rest for 4 days). Watch the dosage carefully!
  • Infusions of parsley and its root will help restore liver cells. There are several useful and highly effective recipes for making medicinal products from parsley. First, take the parsley herb dry, chop, measure out 2 tablespoons and brew in a glass of hot (necessarily boiled) water. Insist in a sealed container or thermos for 2 hours, drink 100 milliliters a day in 5 doses. Second – take one parsley root or ¼ kg of dried herb, place in an iron toe or saucepan, pour a liter of boiled milk and put in a water bath for half an hour. The dosage is exactly the same as in the first recipe.
  • Pumpkin has a good effect on liver function. It is better to include pumpkin porridge or simply baked pumpkin with small amounts of cinnamon and sugar in your diet.
  • Sit around the fire more often to evaporate excess liquid. The aforementioned Aviscene supported this method of treating ascites.

Dangerous and harmful foods for ascites (dropsy)

  • horseradish, spinach, sorrel and onions with garlic;
  • legumes;
  • radish and radish;
  • cabbage (of any kind and type);
  • alcoholic beverages, coffee (and all products containing caffeine);
  • spicy, fatty, fried, salty, sour foods;
  • you can not eat freshly baked bread, baked goods made from muffins or puff pastry;
  • soups and borscht cooked in fat broth;
  • chicken eggs should be eaten in a limited manner (a maximum of 3 eggs can be eaten per week, and boiled or steamed omelette from them);
  • hard cheese, salted or spicy;
  • all semi-finished products and canned food;
  • pearl barley, millet and other coarse cereals that do not boil well.

All these products slag the body or interfere with the functioning of the kidneys and heart, stomach, because of which excess fluid cannot leave the body, but, on the contrary, is retained in it.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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