Apple shape type

Gaining weight in your upper body while keeping your hips and legs slim? Finding a slender waist is not easy: belly fat is difficult to melt. Woman’s Day has found out how you can lose weight if your body type is an apple.

March 17 2016

Animal passion

The fat that accumulates in the abdominal area is called abdominal or visceral fat. And if full hips or buttocks do not have any negative impact on health, then a bulky belly is dangerous. The fact is that abdominal fat is not located under the skin, but tightly surrounds the internal organs, disrupting their work. A person gets tired faster, feels heaviness and fatigue. “Accumulation” in the upper body leads to increased levels of female hormones. Therefore, the famous beer belly of the stronger sex is not at all a sign of masculinity, but a signal that it is time to take action. Anyone who has an increase in waist volume, along with this, acquire a whole bunch of ailments: high blood pressure and blood sugar, high cholesterol, the risk of cancer, heart attacks and strokes.

Nerve cells

Studies have shown that the accumulation of visceral fat is strongly influenced by the state of the nervous system and the quality of sleep. People who sleep for 7 hours have less abdominal fat than those who sleep 5 hours or less or 8 or more. Feeling nervous at home or at work can also noticeably affect your waist size. Cortisol, a hormone of the adrenal glands, is regularly released into the bloodstream during stress and contributes to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal cavity. In addition, when under stress, people eat more, preferring fatty and sweet foods.

Family photos

The “apple” shape is inherited. Do you feel that your waist has started to grow? See what parents, grandparents and other relatives look like: their tendency to be overweight will let you know that you are at risk. So, we must take measures: move more, change the nutrition system. Your main enemies are fast food, chips, beer, sweets. There is a surefire way to change the grocery purchasing system. Imagine what your great-great-grandmother could get in the shop at the beginning of the XNUMXth century. Flour, eggs, meat, fish, cereals, oil, vegetables, nuts. Buy the same. The menu should consist of simple raw foods and home-cooked meals. This is a reliable way to gradually get rid of visceral fat.

Power approach

Physical activity is even more important for losing belly fat than diet. These are the medical statistics. But please be patient: from loads, subcutaneous fat will first disappear, and only then the body will turn to deep reserves. Therefore, it is necessary to divide the task into two stages: to get stronger and lose a little weight, and then to build up muscles, developed muscles use energy even at rest.

At the first stage, you just need to force yourself to constantly move: walk an extra stop, give up the elevator, walk. A fitness bracelet will help, by vibration it will remind every half hour that you need to get up and move. The type of load is not important, its regularity is important. In about a month, you’ll be ready to go to the gym. The trainer will help you choose exercises to activate the burning of internal fat.

It will take the body about two months to enter a high metabolic rate. After that, the hated kilograms and volumes will begin to melt before our eyes.

By the way

The normal waist for a woman should not exceed 80 cm, and for men – 94 cm.

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