Aphrodisiacs-helpers: how to influence the romance with food

Foods are called aphrodisiacs if credited with inconceivable properties, which, however, increasingly doubt the skeptics. There is no scientific evidence for the effects of aphrodisiacs on the human body, only conjecture, guesswork, and assumptions. But those who actively uses these products, note an improvement in their health and return to active sex life.

The name of the aphrodisiac was in honor of the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite. This concept combines a range of foods, the use of which leads to increased sexual desire and emancipation of man.

Aphrodisiacs-helpers: how to influence the romance with food

Aphrodisiacs are a little-studied branch of traditional medicine. With the invention of viagra and other supporting tools to improve the potency, the aphrodisiacs have become unfairly forgotten.

Despite the fact that after the ingestion of food aphrodisiac effect does not occur instantly, they are able to improve blood circulation, calm the nervous system, and increase libido. Products containing andarine are chocolate, bananas, honey, milk, cheese, and many others give a good mood. And these products contain zinc and selenium which helps in the production of testosterone. Vitamins A, B1, C, and E remove the fatigue and digestible proteins and fatty acids give a boost of energy.

Aphrodisiacs-helpers: how to influence the romance with food

Current popular aphrodisiacs

Seafood – shrimp, oysters, caviar is a source of protein and zinc.

Avocado – it is composed of vitamins A, E, D, PP, and fatty acids that increase the potency. And protein as well that is easily digested.

Ginger – improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Dark chocolate – with caffeine gives a lot of energy, restores strength, and promotes the production of endorphins.

Garlic, despite the repulsive smell, is rich in vitamins B, C, E, PP, zinc, essential oils, iron, iodine, and copper, which stimulates the production of male germ cells. Well, speaking about smell it can be quickly removed.

Various spices contain vitamins B, C, and E, which stimulate, increase heart rate, stimulate blood circulation.

Strawberries – a source of zinc, antioxidants, and vitamin C, can exacerbate the feelings.

Earlier, we advised that you can cook a romantic dinner, and also told what foods are the foundation for the preservation of beauty and youth.

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