kiwi fat-burning-diet: minus 3 pounds in three days

Kiwi is a natural fat burner because they contain a huge amount of vitamin C, thanks to which inveterate fat deposits are burned.

This little green fruit is called the food of the gods: one kiwi contains half of the daily value of vitamin C, carotene (provitamin A), vitamins B1, B2, E, PP, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, high in potassium (about 120 mg).

Kiwi has the following properties:

  • a big benefit for the gastroenterological tract, the body gets rid of stagnant fecal masses, removes toxins;
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • promotes the production of endorphins;
  • opposed to cancer.

kiwi fat-burning-diet: minus 3 pounds in three days

How to lose weight with kiwi

If you would like to lose weight using kiwi, you can eat 1-2 fruits 30 minutes before a meal. In addition, kiwi fruit is very well suited for snacking, especially because it contains much less sugar than in many products.

Kiwi diet

If you need  2-3 kg for three days, you can try a diet kiwi. Using it to get rid of excess weight, you have to eat per day 1 kilogram of kiwi.

The fruits should be evenly divided into 6 parts and eat after equal intervals of time during wakefulness.

In addition, during the three days, you can drink only mineral water (preferably without gas) or herbal tea without sugar. All other foods and drinks should be abandoned.

kiwi fat-burning-diet: minus 3 pounds in three days

Bonus for those who love kiwi

Kiwi contains large quantities of substances such as phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium. Their unique combination in this fruit contributes to better health of the brain. It is not surprising that women who love to eat kiwi, are wit, good wit, and worldly wisdom.

kiwi fat-burning-diet: minus 3 pounds in three days

Who should not use the kiwi diet

Kiwi exotic fruit. Therefore, it can cause allergic reactions. You can’t lean on these benefits for people who are prone to food allergies. Also, should not abuse the kiwi for those who have kidney disease and diseases of the digestive system.

Because of the strict limitations, the products should not use the diet kiwi for weight loss of children, adolescents, and the elderly.

Earlier, we described how to lose weight without starving – on cereals and advised what are the 5 spices perfectly burn fat.

For more about kiwi diet watch the video below:

KIWI FRUIT: THE ONE TRUE SUPERFOOD | Nutritional Science Explained

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