Adolescent age: until what age does adolescence last?

According to the various works published on the question, the period of adolescence would begin between the ages of 9 and 16 and end around the age of 22. But for some scientists, this period tends to lengthen to 24 years on average. The causes: the length of studies, lack of work and many other factors that delay their entry into adulthood.

Late adolescence and coming of age

After early childhood, 0-4 years, childhood 4-9 years, come pre-adolescence and adolescence which mark a great period of construction of identity and the body. The next logical step is the transition to adulthood where the adolescent takes off and becomes autonomous in all areas of his life: work, housing, love, leisure, etc.

In France, the age of majority set at 18, already gives adolescents the opportunity to acquire a lot of administrative responsibilities:

  • The right to vote ;
  • The right to drive a vehicle;
  • The right to open a bank account;
  • The duty to contract (a job, a purchase, etc.).

At the age of 18, a person therefore has the possibility of living independently from his parents.

The reality these days is quite different. The majority of 18-year-olds are still studying. For some, it is the beginning of a semi-professional life when they choose work-study or vocational courses. This path brings them into active life and the adult posture takes shape quickly because they need it. However, they stay with their parents for two or three years while they find a stable job.

For young people entering the university system, the years of study can be 5 years or more if they repeat or change course or path during their training. A real concern for the parents of these great students, who see their children growing up, without any notions of working life and often without concrete employment prospects.

A period that goes on

According to the WHO, the World Health Organization, adolescence is between 10 and 19 years. Two Australian researchers contradict this assessment by a scientific study, conducted by and published in the journal “The Lancet”. This invites us to reconsider this period of life, setting it between 10 and 24 years for several reasons.

These young people full of energy, creative, powerful and ready to turn the world upside down, arrive on a field where the reality can be brutal if the parents have not prepared them and helped them to assimilate the problems of the news:

  • Ecology and the problems of pollution ;
  • Real sexuality and the difference from pornography;
  • The fear of attacks and terrorism.

The transition to adulthood is therefore no longer linked solely to physical and cerebral maturation, but linked to various cultural and identity factors, etc. In India, for example, where little girls are married very early, before the age of 16, young girls are considered adults at an age where in France, this would seem unthinkable.

From a business point of view, it is interesting to keep young adolescents, later and later. They are purchasing and leisure influencers and are very connected to social networks and therefore available to receive advertisements 24 hours a day.

Adult adolescents, not autonomous

Students who continue their studies, past their twenties, however acquire all the codes of adult posture thanks to their internships. They go abroad, often working in parallel with their studies or during their school holidays. Most of them are aware that these odd jobs will help them create their professional network. For some, this lack of financial autonomy and this expense to their parents is experienced as suffering.

Many would like to be seen as adults, but this period when they must finish their studies is essential to obtain the diploma and access the positions they covet. In France, all studies show that diplomas are a key to success in the world of work.

These young adults, although financially dependent, can compensate for this lack of autonomy with services:

  • maintain the garden;
  • shopping ;
  • prepare to eat.

These activities are therefore important for them in order to feel useful and to show their autonomy. It is up to parents to find the right place to give them the opportunity.

The film “Tanguy” is a good example. Too cocooned, the young person loses his power over himself and his life. He lets himself be rocked. Parents must let him confront the sometimes painful experiences of the world of work. This is what will build him and allow him to gain confidence, learn from his mistakes and make his own choices.

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