A pill for all diseases – on a plate: 5 tips from a professor of biochemistry

A book by the American biochemist Professor Colin Campbell “Chinese Research” has been sold in a million copies. This worldwide bestseller has revolutionized the views of millions of people on nutrition and its relationship to health.  

For 20 years, Professor Campbell has worked to arrive at the book’s conclusions. He is convinced that the main source of our health and ill health is nutrition. For centuries, people have been looking for a pill for all diseases, while it is right in front of their eyes – on their plate. 

5 principles of good nutrition from Colin Campbell

1. Any product is a storehouse of various substances and microelements. It is not necessary to build a “usefulness rating” for each component of your diet. The same product can be both harmful and useful in each specific case.

Plant foods contain much more nutrients than animal foods. While animal foods are rich in cholesterol, vitamins A, D and B12, plant foods boast nutrients such as antioxidants, fiber, and minerals. But when avoiding animal foods, you need to be careful to ensure that you get the full spectrum of vitamins. And if you rarely go to the sun or have not consumed animal protein for more than 3 years (this is exactly how much vitamin B12 reserves are enough), then you need to resort to vitamin supplements.

2. But don’t get too carried away with vitamin supplements. They harm rather than benefit health. It is especially dangerous to compensate for the lack of vitamins and fiber with food additives while following a protein diet. It is useless to try to reduce the side effect of a poorly balanced diet (with imbalances in protein, fat and carbohydrates) by using chemical additives.

3. Don’t underestimate the power of heredity. Nutrition largely determines which genes will be activated: “bad” or “good”. Perhaps any disease is somehow embedded in the genetic code, but if we draw an analogy, these are just seeds that germinate only under certain conditions.

4. Proper nutrition with a predominance of plant foods can both block the disease at different stages, and effectively fight it at later stages. A surprising discovery for scientists was the fact that some diseases can develop throughout life – for example, the initiation of breast cancer occurs in adolescence, and the onset of the disease can be delayed for decades. Proper nutrition can affect the development of the disease at any of its stages.

5. Proper nutrition has a positive effect on other areas of our life: physical activity, emotional and mental well-being. But the opposite doesn’t work. No matter how much you want to compensate for your unhealthy diet with regular trips to the fitness club, you will not succeed.

Be healthy!

We will remind, earlier we wrote about 5 tips for proper nutrition, which are better not to listen.

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