8 products, extending the life of a person

Besides the fact that proper nutrition helps the body function correctly, there are many products, which, according to nutritionists, can significantly prolong our life protect the body from dangerous diseases, and maintain heart health.


8 products, extending the life of a person

Common beans can extend human life to use it regularly. American Institute for the study of cancer has published a booklet calling to add a small portion of legumes with every meal: this helps delay cancer cells’ development. Most importantly, remember that beans should be eaten only in cooked form.


8 products, extending the life of a person

Chinese scientists concluded that the usual walnuts in the daily diet prolong life and improve its quality. They contain large amounts of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the risk of stroke and reduce cancer cells’ risk of development.


8 products, extending the life of a person

BlackBerry is also a source of antioxidants, which protect the liver and brain from damage and enhance immunity. The berries also delay the aging of the skin and the entire body and protect it from harmful environmental influences.


8 products, extending the life of a person

This spice is the source of the substance curcumin, preventing cancer cells’ emergence, lungs, and brain diseases. Turmeric is prescribed after surgery for fast recovery of the whole organism.

Red cabbage

8 products, extending the life of a person

Any Kale must be present in the human diet, any very useful for the body. But red cabbage contains a unique compound — Solfatara, which prevents cancer cells’ formation in the human body.


8 products, extending the life of a person

Tea is also a source of antioxidants, which can protect a person from serious diseases and complications. Green tea normalizes blood pressure, level of cholesterol in the blood, and helps to drop weight. By the way, nutritionists recommend drinking tea and just adding the leaves to smoothies or salads.


8 products, extending the life of a person

Linseed – a source of natural antioxidants lignans, which effectively protect against cancer cells. To obtain maximum benefit from flax seeds before use, they need to be crushed to destroy the hard shell that is not destroyed under gastric juice.


8 products, extending the life of a person

Mushrooms are a source of numerous nutrients and amino acids rich in ergothioneine, which increases the lifespan of cells and improves their quality. By the way, this ingredient is not contained anymore in any products.

Be healthy!

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