6 tips for vegetarian travelers

Order a vegetarian menu on the plane

In case your flight lasts only a few hours, it makes sense to have a snack before the flight. You can take food with you or visit the restaurant at the airport where you can always find vegetarian and vegan options.

If your flight is longer, you can order a vegetarian menu on board. Most airlines provide food in a wide variety of diets, including vegetarian, vegan, lactose-free, and gluten-free. You don’t have to pay extra for this. Moreover, you will be among the first people on the plane who will be served food, and while other passengers will only be served, you will be able to relax.

Learn the local language

Local residents do not always and everywhere know English, and even more so – Russian. If you intend to spend a lot of time in a certain destination, you need to learn at least a few words related to food. However, do not focus on vegetables, rather focus on meat. If you see “poulet” or “csirke” in Budapest on the menu of a Parisian restaurant, you will know that the dish contains chicken.

Download a dictionary to your phone that will work without an Internet connection. If you don’t want to use your mobile while on vacation, buy a paper dictionary and use it.

Use Vegetarian Apps

One of the most popular vegetarian smartphone apps is . It recommends vegetarian and vegan establishments and local restaurants that offer plant-based dishes. The application even allows you to view the restaurant menu. However, services are not available for all cities.

Do your online research

Let’s face it, you won’t go hungry if you can’t find a vegetarian restaurant while traveling. You can always find a grocery store, shop or market, where you will definitely find vegetables, fruits, bread, nuts and seeds. However, if you find and prescribe suitable restaurants for yourself in advance, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the cuisine of a new area.

Try unusual vegetable dishes

Traditional cuisine is one of the main reasons to travel. Therefore, it is better to overcome your limitations and try new foods that you are not used to. This will help not only to immerse yourself in the culture of the country, but also to bring inspiration from the trip for homemade culinary creations.

Be flexible

You can be a vegan and not eat fish, meat, dairy, honey or even drink coffee. But in countries with few vegetarians, it pays to be flexible and understanding. Remember that you are going for new experiences, immerse yourself in a culture unfamiliar to you completely.

Of course, no one will force you to eat a piece of meat in the Czech Republic or freshly caught fish in Spain, but you can make some concessions, such as local drinks, cooking methods, and not to the detriment of yourself. After all, you can always ask for vegetables in a restaurant, but you must admit that this way you will not experience the full depth of traditional cuisine.

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