5 good reasons why you should NOT download the press

The problem flat belly and cubes equally care for both men and women. Today our article will be devoted to an unusual topic. We will offer you best exercises for the abs, and will try to justify why the rock press is not only ineffective, but also useless.

Why don’t need to swing a press?

So you do fitness and want to have a flat or defined stomach? Let’s see why these goals do not need to download the press, as we used to do.

1. Abs workout do not burn belly fat

To see the coveted cubes, you need to burn body fat on the belly. When you do crunches you strengthen your muscles but not burn fat. Muscles come in tone from the load, but the belly of this flat will not, because you are not working on removing fat. And if you have no belly fat, even two or three workouts on the press is usually enough, so that the muscles come in tone and, accordingly, manifested cubes.

The AB workout burn so few calories that even doing the approaches at the press all day, you will hardly burn at least 300 kcal. For example, the same amount of calories you can burn in half an hour intense cardio workout in addition, you will accelerate the metabolism. AB workout do not affect our metabolism, in contrast to aerobic classes and most of the other strength exercises.

2. Indirect exercises is usually enough to pump up the press

The abdominal muscles are very responsive and don’t require special exercises to strengthen and tone. They are included in the work, even if you use them indirectly while training other muscle groups. You can use any exercises in which you tense the abdominal muscles for example: squats, lunges, deadlifts, thrust in the slope, dead lift etc.

If you are performing strength training, it is enoughto pump up the abdominal muscles. They are well strengthened due to the indirect load, so the various twists and bicycles to carry not necessarily. Many trainers incorporate them into their programs out of habit and because of the demand of the audience.

3. There are no methods for local fat burning

If you want to find a magical way for the local burning of belly fat, forget about it. It simple no. Hoops, twisting, massages will not help you burn belly fat, so in any practical sense they have. We already wrote about a local weight loss, but do not be amiss to repeat. Lose weight whole body evenly and completely, remove fat only from the abdomen is simply impossible.

Moreover, weight loss occurs when you expend more calories than you consume. Focus on proper nutrition and training of the whole body, if you want to pump up the press. By the way, you can achieve a flat stomach even without exercise, if you eat a deficit of calories.

4. Instead of crunches more effective to do other strength training or cardio workout

When you do crunches you almost do not spend the calories. Various crunches, leg lifts, bicycles are one of the most low-cost exercisesthat use minimum resources of the body. AB workout has no effect on the human metabolism and the development of other muscle groups.

So do not waste the time to pump up the press’s best to try other strength or cardio workouts. Thus, training all the other muscle groups or doing cardio, you quickly get a flat stomach, than if you just swing a press. The abdominal muscles are important as a stabilizer of the spine, but in this case it is more efficient to perform isometric exercises for the body muscles.

5. Twisting on the floor can hurt your back and waist

Of course, any exercise can cause injury if you do not follow the correct technique. But when the question arises about the advisability of exercise in General, there is reason to wonder whether it is necessary to risk? Although twisting and its modifications seem to be the most simple and straightforward exercise, but very often dealing with injured neck, back, and lower back when I do crunches

The fact that while twisting is very important to monitor the equipment and give the burden is on press, not on the back. At the slightest violation or even loss of concentration you can get a nasty injury. In exercises for other muscle groups it makes sense to hone the techniques, because their use is not questioned. But if there is a serious need for crunch, you decide.

What you need to do to get a flat stomach and abs?

1. Eat a deficit of calories. In 90% of cases the problem is solved by a flat stomach healthy diet with reasonable restrictions. If you don’t have the press with regular exercise – so you are not eating healthy.

2. Perform cardio workout. Cardio workouts help speed up metabolism and burn extra calories.

3. Perform strength training for other muscle groups. They are not only more efficient in terms of fat burning, but most of them indirectly crunches.

4. To train the back, lumbar, gluteal and postural muscles. We also need to make time for static exercises and yoga that will help you not only to pump up the press, but also to avoid nasty back injuries.

So what are the main theses of the answer to the question “Why it is not necessary to swing a press?” is worth noting?

  • Even if each day you will do the exercises, the belly fat will not be removed and the waist is not reduced.
  • The fat goes only when calorie deficit, and not locally in the stomach and throughout the body.
  • Diet in any training will help you to get rid of fat and get a flat stomach.
  • A significant part of the exercise of power , and so uses the abdominal muscles, so special sense in twists and similar exercises there.
  • Instead of the abdominals, spend this time on strength or cardio training is to be effective.
  • Don’t forget about static exercises and yoga, they not only employ a press, but also strengthen the spine.

Do I need to download the press and how often to do it, you decide. If you are looking for a program to create a flat stomach, we recommend you to watch:

  • How to reduce the waist and remove the sides: the whole truth, tips, exercises + plans
  • Top 12 cardio workouts from FitnessBlender, with emphasis on the stomach
  • Top 13 short effective workouts for the abs from Blogilates

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