4 herbal teas for autumn detox

Everyone knows how important it is to regularly cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, but not everyone is aware that debilitating fasting and similar procedures are not always necessary for this. Daily consumption of tea based on various non-fermented herbs (instead of black) is already a great help to the body.

Essiac tea is an ancient formula known for its immune-boosting, body-cleansing properties. It should be used for: arthritis, kidney problems, liver problems, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, constipation, etc.

Here is his home formula:

6,5 cups burdock root 2 cups sorrel 30g Turkish rhubarb root (powdered) 12 cups slippery elm bark powder

Mix all ingredients well.

How to cook?

Essiac tea is recommended to be taken at bedtime on an empty stomach, at least 2 hours after a meal.

Ginger tea

Perhaps, nature has not come up with anything better than ginger tea during a cold and flu!

For cooking we take

4 cups water 2 inch ginger root Optional: lemon wedge and honey

garlic tea

Yes, not the best option for date days or serious negotiations, however, the powerful antibacterial properties of garlic will allow you to cleanse.

We take:

12 garlic cloves, peeled 2,5 tbsp thyme leaves

Note: do not get carried away with this drink, as garlic is allowed in limited quantities.

Celery seed tea

Celery seeds are better known as a spicy addition to potato salad. However, they are also beneficial for people suffering from kidney problems by acting as a diuretic. These seeds are rich in potassium and natural sodium, which helps the body get rid of toxins in the intestines, kidneys and skin. Celery seed tea helps to normalize the acid-base balance and get rid of excess uric acid. Tea is not recommended for pregnant women.

1 tbsp celery seeds 1 cup boiling water

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