Dealing with spring allergies

The biggest spring allergen is pollen. Trees, grasses and flowers release these tiny grains into the air to fertilize other plants. When they enter the nose of someone who has an allergy, the body’s defense reaction is turned on. The immune system mistakenly perceives pollen as a threat and releases antibodies that attack the allergens. This results in the release of substances called histamines into the blood. Histamine causes a runny nose, itchy eyes, and other symptoms you might be familiar with if you’re the “lucky” seasonal allergy sufferer.

Pollen can travel long distances, so it’s not just about the plants in your house or the trees around it. We share tips that can alleviate the symptoms of allergies, if they are clearly followed.

Limit your time outdoors

Of course, in the spring you want to walk, walk and walk again, because finally it’s warm. But trees release billions of tiny pollen grains. When you inhale them into your nose and lungs, they cause an allergic reaction. Staying indoors while the plants you are allergic to blooms can help avoid this, especially on windy days and early morning hours when pollen release is highest. When you go out, wear glasses or sunglasses to keep pollen out of your eyes. A mask worn over the nose and mouth can help if you go to the country to work in the garden.

As soon as you return indoors, take a shower, wash your hair and change clothes, and be sure to rinse your nose. Otherwise, you will bring pollen into your home.

Eat right

Allergic reactions provoke the active work of the immune system. Therefore, you should eat in such a way as to support immunity. Avoid sugar (remember that one teaspoon of sugar suppresses the immune system for 12 hours!), eat foods high in vitamin C (oranges, grapefruits, leafy greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bell peppers), and drink plenty of water. Adding foods that are anti-inflammatory (ginger, seaweed, mushrooms, and green tea) to your diet also helps. Get plenty of rest, cut out dairy products if you haven’t already, as they cause mucus to build up. Spicy spices can temporarily clear your sinuses.

Keep your house, bed and car clean

At this time, you need to avoid the appearance of pollen in places where you spend time. Do a wet cleaning, wipe the dust on the shelves, the table every day, change the bedding and wash your car. Close windows at night or buy special air filters. Vacuum carpets, corners and hard-to-reach places regularly.

Flush your nose

Nose hair serves as a filter for dust and pollen, but these substances accumulate in the sinuses and can cause allergic reactions even after you have moved away from the source of the allergy. Therefore, it is very important to wash your nose several times a day. Make a saline solution (1 tsp of salt per 500 ml of water) and pour it at a 45⁰ angle into one nostril so that the liquid exits through the other. This procedure may seem unpleasant to you, but it helps a lot!

Nettle, Quarcetin and Goldenseal

These three remedies can alleviate the symptoms of allergies. Nettle works great in the form of drops or tea. The plant itself is actually an allergen, but a small amount of its decoction is very effective in treating allergies.

Quercetin is a substance naturally found in fruits and vegetables (especially grapefruit and other citrus fruits). It has antiviral and anti-cancer properties, and most importantly, it is an effective anti-inflammatory agent.

Goldenseal is also known as “Canadian turmeric” or “Canadian goldenseal”. It works very well to reduce the mucus flow and itching caused by allergies, so despite the rarity of this remedy, it makes sense to pre-order it online or find it in a health food store.

But of course, before treating allergies with herbs and infusions of them, consult your doctor for advice.


Some people with allergies consume raw, organic honey to introduce small amounts of natural pollen into the body. Like immunotherapy, the body is given the opportunity to identify allergens and produce an appropriate immune response (rather than the overdose that comes with spring pollen). The only problem with using honey to treat allergies is that the allergen that usually causes your symptoms has to come from flowers. If you are allergic to herbs (such as juniper or other trees), honey is unlikely to help (but it still boosts immunity!).

Treat the symptoms

This won’t have much of an effect on your body’s response to allergens, but sometimes treating symptoms can provide some relief by making the reaction more manageable. Use a high-quality face moisturizer (aloe vera cream especially helps) and vitamin E lip balm. Use eye drops that work for you and reduce the amount of make-up.

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