4 cardio workouts to burn fat

Cardio shouldn’t turn into a siesta. We encourage you to pick up the pace, take on a few tips from Jane Selter, and breathe new life into your cardio workout!

Author: Jane Selter

As soon as someone mentions cardio, the phrase “inevitable evil” immediately comes to mind. But let’s not jump to conclusions and hang labels. I think you are not very enthusiastic about climbing the treadmill, thinking that the workout will turn into death anguish or trip up your progress, but give cardio another chance. When properly integrated into strength training, a good cardio workout plan will lead you into the perfect world of rapid fat loss and help you carve a gorgeous, sculpted body that certainly has room for amazing buttocks!

The secret to success is to figure out the exercises that will get you to your goals in the shortest possible way. Hint: Slow treadmill rides should be sent a goodbye kiss. I have found four effective exercises that can work wonders. I invite you to get acquainted with my favorites. They will add variety to your workout routine and deliver results you will love.

1. Stepper

The stepper is the first exercise and my favorite choice for a variety of reasons. It primarily targets the glutes and thighs, plus is guaranteed to make you sweat. Judge for yourself, have you seen a person for a long time who would not be sweating after a ten-minute climb up a steep staircase?

The stepper easily copes with fat reserves in problem areas. Actually, if your attitude is aggressive enough, you can literally feel the subcutaneous fat melting and flowing down your thighs. The key is intensity. The time spent on the stepper should not resemble a light jog on a treadmill or a walk in the park. Increase the pace and get into work.

4 cardio workouts to burn fat

I usually devote 20-30 minutes to the stepper two or three times a week. I love the versatility of this exercise. You can choose to or stop at low-intensity, constant-paced cardio (LICP). Both options will bring a rich harvest.

An effective approach is to alternate styles throughout the week. This way, your buttocks and thighs, as well as other parts of the body, will get the best of both worlds. But get ready for a tough test no matter which version you choose. Always give your best. In my NIKPT session, I like to use the glute swings to work out the hindquarters thoroughly. This is the best way to get the most out of your cardio workout and you will love the results!


4 cardio workouts to burn fat

1 approach on 30 minutes.

2. Jumping legs together, legs apart

From my own experience, I know that plyometrics are the opposite of standard, depressingly boring cardio workouts. Plyometric exercises cannot be performed without maximum impact. They make the heart jump out of the chest and require complete mental concentration.

Plyometrics are easy to customize to fit your needs. If these exercises are new to you, start with relatively simple bodyweight movements like jumping. It is convenient and does not require additional equipment, so no excuses can be found. You can try one of my favorite plyometric exercises right now – jumping legs together, legs apart.

4 cardio workouts to burn fat

This is something like my answer – in 20 seconds you should make as many jumps as possible, and then catch your breath for 20 seconds. And here’s a tip: when you get back to jumping, increase your work and rest time to 30 seconds, and on the next run – to 40 seconds. By repeating this cycle three times, you will get a fast and effective cardio workout!

Jumping legs together, legs apart

The rest time is equal to the approach time. Repeat the cycle 3 times:

4 cardio workouts to burn fat

3 approach to 20, 30, 40 sec.

3. Running

Not the most original option, but I always loved jogging in the fresh air – even when the winter cold forced me to climb onto the treadmill. It’s clear that running is a key exercise for the cardiovascular system, but for me it’s also a great way to relieve stress. If you live in the high rhythm of a metropolis, a good run may be exactly what is lacking for relaxation. Plug in your headphones, turn on the appropriate music, and run towards your personal Zen territory. Before you look back, you activate the stress release button and start recharging with new energy.

4 cardio workouts to burn fat

Running is also a great tool for burning fat, especially when used in combination with other exercises. On the treadmill, I set up a positive bias, do 15-second jerks with 45-second pauses, and so on for 12 rounds. It is a safe bet, pumping up your heart rate and speeding up fat burning.


Alternate a 15-second sprint and a 45-second slow-paced walk:

4 cardio workouts to burn fat

1 approach on 12 minutes.

4. Jump rope

I love the rope because it adds variety to my workouts. Sometimes I even turn this exercise into an independent cardio session. A great option if you are running out of time and need to sweat quickly. You can vary the speed and frequency of your jumps, change the rest periods and practice a unique program each time. Plus, you can jump rope anywhere – there would be a jump rope.

4 cardio workouts to burn fat

When I incorporate jumping rope into my cardio workout, I schedule the number of jumps or time intervals. For example, I do 50-100 jumps or jump for 30-60 seconds between exercises. It’s a fantastic way to keep your heart rate high throughout your training session, and your heart rate boosts your fat metabolism, keeps you bored, and elevates the results of your efforts.


Jump rope while resting between exercises or sets:

4 cardio workouts to burn fat

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