3 myths about beer, that it’s time to destroy

Beer is a drink with a rich and ancient history, which is filled with myths. Even if you like beer, then there is a question “how to identify the quality?”. We must remember something about the height and the color of the foam, right? But not everything is so simple.

Myth 1: white and high foam

Many believe that the “real” beer foam should be white (of course!), high (not less than 4 cm) long-lasting (not less than 4 minutes). But if the bartender hands you a drink with no beer caps, this does not mean that he is trying to deceive you.

Foam – this is not an indicator of the quality of the drink. Depending on the variety and cooking methods, beer may not have white foam but dark with or even without it.

3 myths about beer, that it’s time to destroy

Myth 2: a dark beer is more “heavy.”

Another common misconception – that dark Beers are more “heavy” (read – more alcohol). Let’s try to destroy the myth: for example, Belgian ale Golden color can be much stronger than dark stout with a minimum alcohol percentage.

And it is wrong to divide the class of beer into “male” or “female.” Some girls don’t like light beer with additives (blackcurrant, cherry) and prefer the dark. Also, men can choose bright – it all depends on taste.

3 myths about beer, that it’s time to destroy

Myth 3: only chilled!

My beer must be cold, you say? And here, it turns out there is a myth.

There are summer Beers, which aim to quench the thirst, and, of course, they should be served chilled. But winter grade “work” differently: their fragrance and the taste is revealed at higher temperatures.

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