13 surprising benefits of olive oil

We’ve all heard of benefits of olive oil. It is after all the second most consumed oil in France. Each French person consumes an average of 1,4 liters each year. And yet, we do not know everything about this oil which has delighted Mediterranean people for millennia.

I offer you a small list of 13 surprising benefits of olive oil. You will most certainly discover new ways to use this oil and more reasons to always have a bottle in your home.

  1.  Cough remedy

Just take a tablespoon of olive oil just before going to bed to avoid coughing attacks at night. Okay, I admit, you have to love olive oil and this remedy is not to everyone’s taste, but if it works you will thank me for a natural alternative to honey.

  1. Natural hydration for the skin

It may seem weird to splash your body with something that is used for cooking. But with the oleic acid found in olive oil, you can nourish and hydrate your skin naturally and inexpensively.

In addition, omega 9 and polyphenols in olive oil are said to help slow the aging of skin cells. We use all kinds of oils for massages, but we often forget olive oil, which can be bought everywhere at a low price. It’s not very glamorous, but soft and supple skin guaranteed!

  1. Olive oil for a hangover

Even if we try to have a healthy life, to be very careful with what we put in our body, there are times when we spend a night a little too drunk. To avoid a terrible tomorrow, I advise you to consume plenty of water and take a tablespoon of olive oil before bed.

  1. An appetite suppressant oil

We all know what it’s like to be hungry. To avoid cracking and snacking between meals, olive oil may well be more effective than herbal tea or tea. Once again, we must thank the oleic acid present in the oil. This acid helps to reduce the feeling of hunger that one can feel.

  1. Helps fight pain naturally

Could olive oil replace all the painkillers that fill our medicine cabinets? The answer is clearly no “. Even as an advocate for better living with natural methods, I know that there is a limit to what nature can give us, but olive oil can be the solution to the little pains of everyday life.

Instead of taking ibuprofen, which is not recommended for pregnant women and photosensitive people, olive oil would be ideal for pain. For this we must thank the “oleocanthal” which would have the same anti-inflammatory properties as the drug.

13 surprising benefits of olive oil

  1. Anti-cancer properties

Packed with antioxidants, polyphenols, oleic acid, flavonoids, and squalene, olive oil has the perfect combo to help prevent cancer. But olive oil might not only prevent cancer, it might also help cure it.

Researchers at Rutgers University and Hunter College at the City University of New York have published research about the particular component found in olive oil: oleocanthal. This component is said to have the ability to destroy cancer cells while preserving healthy cells.

  1. Fight diabetes

As we know, olive oil is a major component of the Mediterranean diet. The Greeks consume 22,8 liters per person per year. That’s fifteen times more than the French! According to a study, the famous Mediterranean diet would halve the number of cases of type 2 diabetes.

  1. Natural hair straightening

I told you about it in my article “11 solutions to straighten your hair naturally”, but olive oil is so effective in getting rid of ugly frizz. Whether with a classic oil bath or in a mask with other ingredients (you will find the recipe in this article), your hair will thank you for considering olive oil.

  1. Strengthen your immune system with olive oil

The best way to avoid taking medication is to avoid getting sick and for that you need to have a good immune system. Olive oil dressing, besides being delicious, may well help boost your immune system with the essential nutrients the oil contains.

To read: the guide to boosting your immune system

  1. Fights unsightly bulges

An oil that will keep you from getting fat, that sounds counterintuitive. And yet olive oil is 98% lipids.

The author of the book “Discreet charm of the intestine” explains it to us:

“… Olive oil can also declare war on those ugly love handles that make us sad. In effect, it blocks fatty acid synthase, an enzyme that has a weakness for excess carbohydrates, from which it makes fat. And we are not the only ones to benefit from olive oil: the good intestinal bacteria also appreciate its benefits. “

  1. Against bad cholesterol, for the heart

Along with the flavonoid, vitamin E and polyphenol which act as antioxidants and the monounsaturated fatty acids found in olive oil, olive oil helps fight bad cholesterol and protect the cardiovascular system. .

  1. To soften the muscles

In ancient times, Greek athletes used olive oil to relax their muscles before competitions or even training. It’s not very convenient to bring your bottle of oil to the gym, but I bet you didn’t know that you can loosen up your muscles with olive oil! Maybe I’ll think about it during my next yoga session.

To read: Discover all the benefits of Evening Yoga

  1. Bonus: embalming the dead

I absolutely do not recommend that you try to test this “benefit” of olive oil, but it is what is called on the Internet a “fun fact”: olive oil was used for embalming of the pharaohs. The ancient Egyptians also used olive oil to heal wounds and cure illnesses.

You will understand, olive oil has many benefits, some of which are really surprising. Do not hesitate to consume it, to oil your body and hair. If its use dates back to antiquity, we must believe that its virtues have stood the test of time!

Do not hesitate to send me your questions or to share with me a surprising benefit of olive oil that I would not have mentioned here.

Photo credit: Pixabay.com

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