12 phrases bottle-feeding moms don’t want to hear

12 phrases not to say to bottle-feeding mothers

Like many mothers, your child was bottle-fed. This decision, we made it deliberately or we were forced to. In any case, we have no lessons to learn from anyone! And we especially do not want to hear these guilty little sentences …

  1. 1. “Breastfeeding is the best way to bond with your baby. “

I assure you, the bottle does not prevent cuddling with your child. 

  1. 2. « Your baby will not be healthy if you do not breastfeed her. “

I have not been breastfed and I am doing very well, thank you. 

  1. 3. “If you knew all the toxic products that are in powdered milk …”

And you, did you know that babies also absorb chemicals through breast milk? 

  1. 4. ‘ In fact, you don’t want to complicate your life. “

It is certain that bottle-feeding is much more comfortable than the breast, especially at night …

  1. 5. ‘ I had so much milk that I could have fed the whole maternity hospital. “

Well why didn’t you do it?

  1. 6. ‘ Breastfed infants are smarter than formula fed infants. It’s proven. “

Lol! And richer too, it seems. No seriously, we must stop listening to studies, however scientific they may be. 

  1. 7. ‘ I breastfed my child because I want what’s best for him. “

Ah really ? And do you think you’re the only one? We all want the best for our babies, don’t you think? It’s called being a mom.

  1. 8. ‘ Thanks to breastfeeding, I lost all my pregnancy pounds in one month! “

I know others who kept eating for two and took a lot longer to regain their shape, hey hey. 

  1. 9. ‘ Breastfed children sleep faster. “

What if I told you that it’s just the opposite …

  1. 10. ‘ What do you mean you haven’t even tried? “

Well no, I didn’t feel like giving the welcome feed after my stomach was cut open. Why is it punishable by law?

  1. 11. ‘ You must spend a fortune on powdered milk! “

As much as you in breastfeeding equipment. 

  1. 12. ‘ Breastfed children have less colic. “

If that was really the case, it would know, right?

In video: Food 8 things to know to stay zen

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