10 bad habits that prevent you from losing weight

1. Inattention to «random» calories.

When you ask a friend to bite off a sandwich, try something from your neighbor’s plate, lick a spoon while preparing food, you will agree that you don’t even think about the “price” of such tastings. But all these calories add up to one big problem – being overweight.

2. Uncontrolled portion size.

The amount eaten at a time must be controlled. And the more precise, the better. Of course, we are not suggesting that you weigh portions and quantify grams, but measuring the amount of food by eye is a good start.


3. Skipping breakfast.

You, of course, remember what you need to share with a friend, and what – to give to the enemy. Breakfast is an important meal. First, it gives a good start to the body’s work: eaten before noon will be converted into energy, and not “deposited”. Secondly, a good hearty breakfast sets the diet for the day. After this, there will be no desire for something to eat.

4. Eating in front of a computer or TV.

Carried away by an interesting TV series, show or video, a person does not notice how much he eats, since the “busy” brain simply ignores the signals of satiety. Try to eat before watching your favorite movies.

5. Unplanned snacks.

It is best to think over your meals for the whole day or even a week, and prepare the right amount of food for this plan. The desire to eat something usually appears suddenly, and right there at hand there are a pie, a sandwich, a hamburger, which are not only very high in calories, but also it is not clear what products are made of.

6. Soda, soft drinks and juices.

Unconscious consumption of sugary drinks is also a bad habit. Perhaps this is the first thing that should be excluded from the diet if you want to lose weight. If you feel thirsty, drink some water, sweet soda will only make it worse. And if you want something “tasty” – make lemonade yourself, it’s not difficult at all. And in general, drinking plain water is important.

7. Constant coffee breaks.

The relatively recent fashion for cardboard cups and thermo mugs has made coffee a drink that should or can be drunk anytime, anywhere. And although there is nothing wrong with coffee itself in normal quantities, it often does not do without additives: heavy cream, sweet syrups, sugar is not even worth talking about. And if you also have a snack of candy for every cup, there are enough calories.

8. Excessive passion for fruits and nuts.

We all know these foods are very beneficial. But that doesn’t mean nuts and fruits are calorie-free. Do not think that you can eat as many as you like. Of course, it is better to have a snack with a handful of nuts or a banana instead of a conventional bun, but do not be fooled by thoughts of “unlimited” such food.

9. Inattention to the compositions.

You buy yogurt without looking, because it is kind of fat-free, gluten-free, natural, and the like. In fact, it contains slightly less sugar and carbohydrates than candies or ice cream. The presence on a product of all sorts of markings indicating its imaginary benefits is not a reason not to read the composition on the label.

10. Lack of sleep.

With a lack of sleep, the body will require additional energy – of course, from food. Sleep more, eat less.

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