10 arguments in favor of yoga

The popularity of yoga has not declined even in quarantine — instructors and practitioners have «reconfigured» to the online format of classes. What is driving more and more people to practice and what are the physical and mental health benefits of this ancient practice?

The world is oversaturated with information. There are more and more cases for a person, and there are only 24 hours in a day. We lose sleep, mental balance, peace of mind. A huge number of tasks are a heavy burden on our shoulders. With such a load, I really want to stay healthy. And for this, mechanisms are needed that will allow stress to be relieved.

Yoga classes are a great option to unload your body and mind and improve your health.

What are the benefits of yoga for us?

  • Strong body. The teachers of antiquity knew how to engage all muscle groups in the body, how to connect their actions with breathing and achieve the maximum study of each movement. After just a few sessions, you will notice that the body has become stronger and more flexible.
  • Clean, healthy food. When you practice yoga, you will inevitably begin to monitor what food you eat. Even intuitively, you can feel which food is beneficial and which should be discarded.
  • Sound, quality sleep. You get the exercise you need, watch your thoughts, and eat right — and sleep better because of it. You can also practice yoga for falling asleep and waking up without getting out of bed.
  • Clear mind. Agree: every day we worry about various everyday problems, the mind rushes back and forth, not leaving you alone for a minute. Constant anxiety causes stress in the body and is bad for health. Yoga helps to hear silence, calm down and put thoughts in order.
  • Healthy mind. All of the above help support mental health. We learn to manage emotions and feelings. We experience conflicts more easily and resolve them more easily.
  • Good mood. People who practice yoga regularly become happier and more alert. This is due to the fact that regular bodily and respiratory practices ensure the healthy functioning of the endocrine system. Yoga stimulates the production of “happiness hormones”.
  • More energy. Yoga helps to cope with stress. Being in a resource state, you will be able to help other people: your family, friends, loved ones.
  • Discipline. Yoga is a story not only about physical exercises (asanas), but also about discipline. And those who are able to organize themselves are more likely to achieve their goals.
  • Harmony and balance. These are the conditions that are so necessary for modern man. Regular yoga classes help to calm the mind, come to unity with oneself, and feel better.
  • Physical health. Proper nutrition, strong muscles, and more importantly, calmness and the ability to take on challenges and deal with stress without tension all help to better cope with diseases and strengthen the immune system.

Yoga is, first of all, unity with one’s deepest essence, the higher Self, with one’s subconscious, inner child, with one’s intuition. We experience similar states when we hug our children, loved ones or pets, when we feel inspired and understand how and what to do.

And we can experience all this if we invite yoga into our lives.

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