Yeast dough

Yeast dough has long been considered a traditional dish for our country. So many interesting things can be done with this product at hand. It is often used for baking bread, cheesecakes and a coulibia. Rarely what kind of pizza do without it. And what delicious and fragrant cinnamon rolls are obtained from this test. There are so many varieties of products from it that all can not be listed. Yeast dough is very popular and popular not only with us, but around the world.

A bit of history

History says that yeast as a product first appeared in ancient Egypt about five thousand years ago. By combining three previously unrelated processes, the Egyptians learned to bake bread and other flour products. They turned out in various shapes: they were round, and wicker, and oblong.

There is a legend about the origin of yeast dough. In Egypt, beer was often made. And they say that once brewer’s yeast accidentally fell into the dough and a miracle happened. All who were present at the same time were surprised: the dough suddenly breathed, came to life, began to rise and climb out of the pot. This was later called fermentation. People noticed that if you throw such a bubbly product into the fire, you get a magnificent, airy cake with a sour taste.

And only in the distant 1857, the great French scientist Louis Pasteur proved that the process of fermentation proceeds with the help of living organisms. Prior to that, it was believed that chemical reactions occur in it. But Pasteur did not stop at what had been achieved and soon discovered that such a process could be controlled. It turned out that different types of fermentation are caused by various specific pathogens.

Nevertheless, the yeast continued to gradually develop and improve. Soon the brewer’s yeast was abandoned in favor of the grain product. Well, at the beginning of the XX century, they came to the modern form. They were made on the basis of molasses obtained by processing sugar beet or sugar cane.

There are traditions that women adhere to in our time for making yeast dough. This is an unofficial set of rules that require strict implementation. For example, in order to get the most delicious product, a hostess who proceeds to its production must necessarily be pure in both body and soul. And this is not literally, but in the literal sense: she should wash herself, put on clean clothes and put all disturbing thoughts out of her head. In a word, cleanse. Previously, people sincerely believed that evil and harmful thoughts are transmitted to a tender test, that it absorbs all emotions and in the end may simply not work. A considerable plus was the singing of the woman during the preparation. In other words, in order to make the dough, you need to put a soul into it.

Product Description

Yeast dough is a product that is obtained by mixing flour with water and yeast. Sometimes various additional ingredients are added there, depending on what kind of product you need to get at the output. It can be:

  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • жир;
  • milk;
  • seeds;
  • nuts;
  • fruit;
  • grains and more.

You can get products from it in various ways:

  • it can be boiled on steam or in hot water;
  • bake in the oven or oven;
  • fry in a pan.

Be sure to remember that this product tend to increase in volume, and for this before heat treatment it must be defended.

There are two types of yeast dough: butter and bread. Butter is used for the manufacture of pastry and pastry pastry, bread – respectively, for baking bread and various products from it.

Dough production methods

For the preparation of yeast dough, two methods are used: sponge and straight. The first method is often used in the production of rich sweet products, the second method eliminates a large number of rich ingredients such as butter, eggs or sugar. In ancient times, preference was given to the sponge version, now, in the modern world, due to the acute shortage of time, the immediate method of cooking the product began to enjoy increasing popularity.

Bezoparny method of cooking

With this manufacturing option, yeast must be diluted with warm milk, at a temperature of about 30 degrees. If the temperature is above 40 degrees, the yeast will die and the dough will not work. Add sugar to this mixture and mix until completely dissolved. You can leave this sourdough for about five minutes until the bubbles appear, so that the yeast begins to ferment. Then add the sifted flour there and beat in the eggs. Mix everything and knead the dough, at the end you can add vegetable oil or fat. Cover the dough with a clean towel and put in a warm place for about three hours. During this time, it will double in volume. In order for the dough to be better saturated with oxygen and remove excess air bubbles during this time, you can make a couple of swabs. The first in an hour, and the second in another two hours.

Sparking method of cooking

In this case, you need to heat water or milk to about 40 degrees, using only 80 percent of the entire liquid norm. Add the yeast, dissolved in a little water, and the filtered yeast. Pour in the sifted flour, about 40 percent of the total amount, and mix until a homogeneous substance is obtained. Thus, they get a dough. Sprinkle it with a little flour, cover with a clean towel and put in a warm place for about 2 or 3 hours.

After the dough increases approximately two times and begins to settle, the remaining water must be added to it, in which sugar and salt are dissolved. Send eggs there, mix, add the remaining sifted flour and knead the dough. Fat can be added at the end of the process. Cover the kneaded dough with a clean towel and leave to ferment for about another 3 hours.

In the process of fermentation, the dough, as well as in the previous method, is kneaded twice. The resulting dough is doubled in volume. If you press on it, the resulting hole slowly recovers. The finished dough easily lags behind the walls of the dish and does not stick to the hands.

Calorie, chemical composition and beneficial properties

Yeast dough is a fairly high-calorie product. Its energy value is approximately 210 kcal. But this indicator directly depends on the type of flour from which this dough is obtained. Proteins are about 7,23 grams, fats are about 0,96 grams, and the carbohydrate component is 45,8 grams. Also, as part of the yeast dough, you can isolate water in an amount of 39,22 grams, organic acids necessary for the body – 27,28 grams and useful fiber – 1,43 grams. There is also a small amount of ash in the test – 16,03 grams and starch.

It contains a rich vitamin and mineral complex. The vitamins in it are represented by group B, where thiamine can be isolated – about 0,50 mg, riboflavin – about 0,42 mg, pyridoxine – almost 0,36 mg and folic acid containing 36,35 μg. As well as vitamin H, which accounts for 0,77 mg and PP – 2,16 mg.

The mineral complex consists of iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, copper, molybdenum, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, fluorine, chlorine and zinc.

You can also find some fatty acids and cholesterol in it.

Due to such a bright and valuable composition, the product has a definite positive effect on the body:

  • increases immunity;
  • strengthens the protective function of the body;
  • improves brain function;
  • charges with energy and cheerfulness;
  • increases performance and attention;
  • improves the process of blood clotting.

Also, depending on the flour included in its composition, the dough acquires other beneficial qualities. For example, a dietary product based on cornmeal is perfect for diets and weight loss. It will be useful both for lowering blood cholesterol and for normalizing intestinal microflora. Such a dough can also be a prevention of atherosclerosis, since corn well cleans blood vessels.

But the product based on the rye component is undoubtedly suitable for those suffering from diabetes mellitus, anemia or digestive disorders. Rye flour is rich in lysine, which the body needs for good absorption of calcium and various dietary proteins.

Tricks of using yeast dough in cooking

Yeast dough is widely used in the field of cooking. Various types of bread and sweet products are baked from it, pizza, pies, pie and other products are made. But few people know how to make products from it much tastier, richer and more beautiful at home. Here are some helpful tips:

  • yeast dough is more suitable if pasting wide pasta;
  • if you add a little cooled boiled potato to it before baking, the dough will become soft, airy and lush;
  • products for it should be used at room temperature;
  • instead of yeast, you can use a small amount of cognac or moonshine;
  • the optimum temperature for yeast is the temperature from 30 to 35 degrees;
  • potato starch is capable of giving pomp to dough products;
  • drafts should be avoided when preparing the product;
  • press the dough better with dry hands;
  • the product will taste better if you add the semolina;
  • the best product is obtained from sifted flour;
  • butter is better to use unmelted, and mashed;
  • do not overdo it with baking soda, otherwise the product will get an unpleasant color and flavor;
  • the best pastry is obtained if the dough is kneaded in milk;
  • with a large amount of sugar dough products can burn and be not so lush;
  • when cooking, use only fresh yeast;
  • if only yolks are used instead of eggs, then the baking will be more tender and crumbly;
  • if you are planning a pie with a filling, then the dough should be particularly thin in order to better reflect the taste of the filling;
  • it is not advisable to stop the dough or sponge;
  • if you smear the cake before baking with milk or a beaten egg, then such a product will get a beautiful glossy crust;
  • if you use more fat and less liquid in the recipe, the product will be more crumbly.

The recipe for thin yeast pizza dough

For preparation it will be required:

  • water – 250 grams;
  • egg – 1 pieces;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • fresh yeast – 15 grams;
  • salt – half a teaspoon;
  • flour – about 500 grams.

Sugar mix with yeast and warm water. Beat an egg in there, put salt and mix well. Pour in vegetable oil, add sifted flour. Stir the dough with a spoon, then mix thoroughly with your hands, place in a bowl and cover with a clean towel. Set aside for about two hours. By this time it should double.

Used in cosmetics

Yeast dough is successfully used in the field of home cosmetology. Based on it, they make various face masks, for the neck and décolleté. It helps to tighten sagging skin, saturate it with useful substances, and also can prevent excessive dryness and peeling, reduce inflammation.

Mask for neck and neckline

The dough for such a mask can be used both at home and in shop convenience food. You need to roll it in a very thin layer, wrap the neck and décolleté area like a scarf and pin it down tightly. The duration of the procedure is approximately 20 minutes. After the dough, remove and rinse with warm water.

This mask has a deep moisturizing and nourishing effect, nourishes the skin with useful trace elements. Almost the same mask will help get rid of the second chin.

Harm and contraindications

Products made from yeast dough have a fairly high calorie content, so they should be used with caution for people prone to overweight or obesity. Yeast can kill the natural intestinal microflora, which can lead to dysbiosis. Also, it should not be used by people with individual intolerance to the components that make up its composition.


Yeast dough is a very popular cooking product. They make various tasty muffins, buns, bread, fine Italian pizza and other products. In addition to its taste, it also has a useful composition that can bring significant benefits to the body. It can enhance immunity, improve memory, protect from various environmental exposures. This product is in demand in the field of cosmetology. Based on it, they make rejuvenating, moisturizing and nourishing face masks. However, when using yeast dough, it is worth paying attention to its harmful properties. This is a fairly high-calorie product, so people who adhere to different diets or watching their figure to eat it is not recommended.

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