Xylodon scraper (Xylodon radula)

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Incertae sedis (of uncertain position)
  • Order: Hymenochaetales (Hymenochetes)
  • Family: Schizoporaceae (Schizoporaceae)
  • Rod: Xylodon
  • Type: Xylodon radula (Xylodon scraper)


  • Hydnum radula
  • Sistotrema radula
  • Orbicular radula
  • Radulum epileucum
  • A coral reef

Xylodon scraper (Xylodon radula) photo and description

Current name Xylodon radula (Fr.) Tura, Zmitr., Wasser & Spirin, 2011

Etymology from rādula, ae f scraper, scraper. From rādo, rāsi, rāsum, ere to scrape, scrape; scratch + -ula.

Scraper xylodon refers to corticoid (prostrate) fungi that play an important role in the forest ecosystem as wood destroyers.

Fruit body prostrate, adhering to the substrate, at first rounded, as it develops, tending to merge with others, fleshy, whitish, creamy, yellow. The edge is slightly fluffy, fibrous, white.

Hymenophore at first smooth, later unevenly tuberous-warty, serrated and spiky. Asymmetrically randomly arranged cone-shaped and cylindrical spikes reach up to 5 mm in length and 1-2 mm in width. The consistency is soft when fresh, when dried – hard and horny, may crack.

spore imprint is white.

Spores cylindrical smooth hyaline (transparent, vitreous) 8,5-10 x 3-3,5 microns,

Basidia cylindrical to serrate, 4-spore, looped.

Xylodon scraper (Xylodon radula) photo and description

Xylodon scraper (Xylodon radula) photo and description

Settles on branches and dead trunks of deciduous trees (especially cherries, sweet cherries, alders, lilacs), forming a cortical crust. On coniferous trees, with the exception of white fir (Ábies álba), rarely lives. Found throughout the year.


May be confused with Radulomyces molaris which prefers oak trees and has a darker brownish coloration.

  • Radulum radula (Fries) Gillet (1877)
  • Orbicular rasp var. junquillinum Quélet (1886)
  • Hyphoderma radula (Fries) Donk (1957)
  • Radulum quercinum var. epileucum(Berkeley & Broome) Rick (1959)
  • Basidioradulum radula (Fries) Nobles (1967)
  • Xylodon radula (Fries) Ţura, Zmitrovich, Wasser & Spirin (2011)

Photos used in the article: Alexander Kozlovskikh, Gumenyuk Vitaly, microscopy – mycodb.fr.

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