X-Fit’s tip of the day: keep fit even with varicose veins

Be sure to inform your instructor about varicose veins, then he will make a program taking into account your disease.
Exercise with compression garments to support the venous walls while the legs are straining.
Eliminate running, jumping, or intense strength training from your training program.
Do strength exercises with a barbell or dumbbells exclusively while sitting.
Include elements of Pilates or yoga in your classes – in these areas there are many exercises with legs raised, which is very useful for varicose veins.
Go swimming. In the water, you will be able to perform those exercises that are contraindicated for you on land, since the shock load on the legs is excluded. At the same time, try to swim in warm water, which gently affects the vessels of the legs and exerts a compression effect.
When at home or at work, try to place your legs higher (on a stand or chair) to ensure an easy outflow of venous blood.

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