Workout – street sports

In the Soviet Union, much attention was paid to sports. And in every yard there were horizontal bars, on which it was fashionable to practice. With the collapse of the country and the birth of Russia, horizontal bars were empty for a long time. In the early 2000s, sports again began to come into fashion, and they remembered the surviving Soviet horizontal bars.

In 2009 Workout came to Russia. And the horizontal bars were not enough. The horizontal bars were replaced by workout platforms. Of course, not every yard has them. But a few pieces for the district were quite enough.


What does Workout mean

Workout (translated from English) – training. This type of physical activity has not yet entered the sports register, but its popularity has spread throughout the world and continues to gain momentum. Workout competitions and World Championships are held everywhere.

It can rightfully be considered one of the most spectacular physical activities. It combines:

  • The complexity of the execution of the elements.
  • Freedom and courage of athletes.
  • Beautiful, developed bodies that fascinate and motivate.

Workout is an outdoor form of physical activity in which the maximum amount of muscles is involved. The main equipment for training is a horizontal bar and parallel bars. But this is not enough. For full-fledged workouts, you also need crossbars and handlebars.

Workout means training during the warm season. But even in winter there are daredevils who train in the snow. Most of the athletes go to the gyms, where there is the necessary equipment for training. And in this case, gyms with Crossfit equipment are very popular.


Main types of Workout

Street training, or in other words Street Workout, gave development to the domestic direction of physical activity Streetlifting. Workout and streetlifting work with their own body weight. The workout is subdivided into Street and Ghetto Workout.

Street Workout is a classic version in which basic elements are performed, more complicated and new ones are invented. Street Workout does not require large investments, and horizontal bars, parallel bars and entire sports grounds are available around the clock.


Ghetto Workout is a strength variety in which the main elements are complicated by additional pull-ups, push-ups. This type of Workout includes doing exercises not only on horizontal bars, but on city buildings: lampposts, fences, benches, etc.

Workout closely resembles artistic gymnastics, requires the development of coordination and endurance. This is a very serious type of physical activity: it is impossible to start performing elements in it, being unprepared. Even many athletes from other disciplines require preparation, otherwise it is easy to get injured.


Basic Workout Exercises

There are many workout exercises. In each exercise, the technique of its implementation is important. Therefore, it is best to start under the supervision of a coach or professional athlete. Let’s look at 6 basic exercises.

1. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

The exercise is performed from the position of straightened arms, the chin goes above the crossbar. To complicate the exercise, athletes change their grip, alternately pull themselves up on one hand, with their head in front of the crossbar. They also use delays in bent arms and additionally do push-ups.


2. Outputs for two hands on the horizontal bar.

This is also a basic element of a workout that will require prepared joints and ligaments from you, good physical fitness. If you cannot do 10 chin-ups without swinging and 15-20 push-ups on the uneven bars, then you are not sufficiently prepared and performing this exercise is traumatic for you.


The exercise itself consists of the following stages: from the position of straightened arms in the hang, perform a pull-up to the chin, then reach the waist and stand in a pose over the bar, step out on straight arms over the bar.

At the initial stage, at the moment when the body deflects backward when pulling up and you are preparing to throw up your arms, you need to bend your knees and bring them to your chest – this movement will add kinetic energy to your body (speed at the initial moment, which means it will reduce the body’s power costs ).

3. Exercises on the handle.

On the handle, the basic exercise “grabs” is done in several stages. First, grab the first bar with one hand, hang on the bent arm, pull up and intercept the second bar with the other hand. Beginners should start with short grabs, for complication, you can do long grabs with a side grip or in the opposite direction.

4. Push-ups from the ground.

Push-ups are also a basic exercise that requires correct technique. Palms and feet shoulder-width apart, elbows within a 45-degree angle. The arms are bent at an angle of 90 degrees, the chest reaches the floor and the arms are straightened. Important! The body line should be straight from the shoulders to the ankles with the head parallel to the floor.

To complicate the exercises, they change the height of the push-ups, do push-ups on the fingers, on one hand, with cotton, handstand.

5. Push-ups on the uneven bars.

This exercise trains the chest, triceps, front delts. The load changes with a change in the angle of inclination of the body, the more vertical, the easier it is to perform the exercise. With a more vertical execution, triceps are trained and this execution option is considered basic.

Technique for performing the exercise: the bars are taken with an average grip, palms are directed towards each other, with a light jump (or from a stand), take a standing position on outstretched arms. With a slow inhalation, lower the body, bending the elbows to the parallel of the forearm with the floor. Then you should exhale sharply and, as it were, “squeeze” the body up. That is, exhale on effort. Do the required number of repetitions. During movement, you need to focus on the work of the triceps.

To complicate things, add weight, make the body tilt more, use horizontal push-ups lying on the uneven bars. The most advanced do push-ups on the uneven bars, from the pillars, with a different grip, and even upside down.

6. Press.

The core muscles work in almost all Workout exercises, but they are additionally worked in such basic exercises as lifting the legs from a hanging position on a horizontal bar or on uneven bars.

This exercise is performed as follows: hanging on a horizontal bar is taken, palms – shoulder-width apart, stomach pulled in, back straight. The press is reduced by slightly twisting the pelvis, the knees are brought to the chest. After that, the press unwinds to its original state, with outstretched legs, but does not relax at the bottom. The required number of repetitions is done.

The exercise can be complicated or performed in various variations, for example, to raise the socks to the bar, raise the knees in the hang with turns, do leg raises while hanging on the elbows, from the hanging position upside down, lifting the body to the hips, etc.

These are the main 6 exercises you need to learn to do while doing Workout. There are also competitive elements performed by professional athletes. The hallmark of Workout professionals is the “Flag” element, in which the hands are held by the vertical pipe, and the body is held in an even horizontal position above the ground.

In this article, we will not delve into the technique of performing professional elements. To maintain athletic physical fitness, the basic exercises listed above are sufficient. Remember, each of you has a good chance to improve your strength indicators. The main desire.

Have a nice workout!

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