Winter black truffle (Tuber brumale)

  • Department: Ascomycota (Ascomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Pezizomycotina (Pezizomycotins)
  • Class: Pezizomycetes (Pezizomycetes)
  • Subclass: Pezizomycetidae (Pezizomycetes)
  • Order: Pezizales (Pezizales)
  • Family: Tuberaceae (Truffle)
  • Genus: Tuber (Truffle)
  • Type: Tuber brumale (Winter black truffle)

Winter black truffle (Tuber brumale) is a mushroom of the Truffle family, belonging to the genus Truffle.

Winter black truffle (Tuber brumale) photo and description

External Description

The fruit body of the winter black truffle (Tuber brumale) is characterized by an irregular spherical shape, sometimes completely round. The diameter of the fruiting body of this species varies within 8-15 (20) cm. The surface of the fruiting body (peridium) is covered with thyroid or polygonal warts, which are 2-3 mm in size and often deepened. The outer part of the mushroom is initially reddish-purple in color, gradually becoming completely black.

The flesh of the fruiting body is white at first, but as it matures, it becomes simply gray or violet-gray, with a large number of veins of marbled yellowish-brown or simply white. In adult mushrooms, the weight of the pulp can exceed the parameters of 1 kg. Sometimes there are specimens whose weight reaches 1.5 kg.

The spores of the fungus have a different size, are characterized by an oval or ellipsoidal shape. Their shell is characterized by a brown color, densely covered with small spines, the length of which varies within 2-4 microns. These spikes may be slightly curved, but most often they are straight.

Winter black truffle (Tuber brumale) photo and description

Grebe season and habitat

The active fruiting of the winter black truffle falls on the period from November to February-March. The species is widespread in France, Switzerland, Italy. We also met black winter truffles in Ukraine. Prefers to grow in beech and birch groves.


The described type of mushrooms belongs to the number of edible. It has a sharp and pleasant aroma, very reminiscent of musk. It is less pronounced than that of a simple black truffle. And therefore, the nutritional value of the black winter truffle is somewhat less.

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