Why you can’t sleep with your feet to the door and 4 more sleepy prohibitions

Why you can’t sleep with your feet to the door and 4 more sleepy prohibitions

Many of these things are just superstitions. But some have a completely scientific rationale.

What are your plans for weekend? Whether you are going for a walk, go to the cinema, visit or meet with friends, we envy you from the bottom of our hearts. Because many in this dull time only want to sleep. There is nothing wrong with this, but you need to do it correctly, observing some prohibitions. But which of them are really worth considering when closing the bedroom door behind you, it’s up to you.

1. You can’t sleep with your feet to the door

Feng Shui really does not recommend doing this. It is believed that the energy that circulates in the human body easily leaks through the doors while we sleep. And the Scandinavians and Slavs considered the doors to be portals to another world. In a dream, the soul can go out the door, get lost and not find the way back. In addition, the door opens the gate to the dark world, from where evil entities can come and take possession of the soul of the sleeping person. The first sign that you are bothered by these very entities at night is nightmares, you wake up all the time, and in the morning you feel overwhelmed.

Psychologists say that many people prefer to keep the door in sight all the time, even in a dream. This makes you feel more comfortable – kicking in the door.

Well, the popular superstition says that the dead are carried out the door with their feet. And to sleep in this position is to call death.

However, the only reason to move the bed so that you sleep with your head to the door is for your own comfort.

2. You can not sleep in front of the mirror

It is not advised to hang mirrors in the bedroom: it is believed that a sleeping person should not be reflected in the mirror, otherwise there will be trouble. This can negatively affect family relationships. If you really need to look at your reflection in the morning, hang a mirror inside the cabinet (on the inside of the door) so you can follow the rules and satisfy your desires.

3. Do not put indoor plants in the bedroom.

But this is true. During the day, flowers work for our good: they produce oxygen, purify the air. In the evening, when there is no sunlight, plants breathe in the same way as we do, consuming precious oxygen. So either open the window or the flowers will have to be pushed out. By the way, you shouldn’t keep bouquets in the bedroom either. Because of the strong scent, you risk getting a headache and not getting enough sleep.

4. You can’t sleep with your head to the window

This superstition grows from the same place where the sign about the door comes from. Once with your feet to the doors, then your head to the window, it is logical! According to signs, evil spirits like to look into the windows at night, climbing into the head of a person. However, the only real risk that you expose yourself, falling asleep with your head to the window, is freezing due to the draft. Well, Feng Shui recommends that you simply do not put the bed on the line between the bed and the window.

5. You can’t sleep in the light

This is not superstition at all. This is a medical fact: you need to sleep in complete darkness. If there is a light source in the room or the bedroom is lit by streetlights, the body’s production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, is disrupted. This makes us feel tired and overwhelmed during the day. And we even start eating more to help the body deal with stress.

You can’t sleep in clothes

And this statement has a lot of scientific evidence. First of all, when we sleep naked, the hormone melatonin is better produced: it helps to maintain youth, reduces the stress hormone cortisol, and improves the appearance of skin and hair. In addition, sleep becomes deeper, and sperm quality improves in men who prefer to go without clothes. Read about other reasons to sleep naked HERE.

The highbrow know-it-all Sheldon from the series also has an opinion on this matter. I must say, quite scientifically grounded – how could it be otherwise, after all, this is Sheldon. He lucidly explained to Penny that the bed should always be oriented with the headboard away from the door. People used to defend themselves in this way from robbers and predators: when they tried to grab a man by the legs and pull him out of bed, he woke up and could fight off the attacker.

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