Why you can’t keep a bastard money tree at home

Signs say that this plant promises wealth. However, few people know that it has dangerous properties.

The money tree, it’s a fat woman, can be found in any apartment. A green plant with elastic, rounded foliage attracts owners. First, it is unpretentious. Secondly, it is very pretty and suits any interior. Thirdly, it purifies the air and has healing properties. There is even a belief that it brings financial luck and absorbs negative energy. However, this flower is not that simple. He can do harm.

The plant was called the money tree, as its leaves resemble a silver dinar. Since this flower symbolizes wealth and stability, it has specific properties. Firstly, it does not die from a lack of moisture, since it knows how to store it in the leaves for a long time. Secondly, the bastard can germinate even in unfavorable conditions. This speaks of the plant’s strength and leadership qualities. After all, let it always be thorny to success.

If a person, in addition, strongly believes that his well-being depends on this tree, then this will really be so. If a flower dies for some reason, then for its owner it can be a real tragedy. Financial losses can follow for absolutely no reason – simply due to improper care or too strong custody of the fat woman.

We can say that this plant is psychologically dangerous for impressionable individuals. Therefore, the money tree should not be kept by those who cannot provide normal care for it.

According to feng shui, this flower carries yin energy. If all the flowers in the apartment are like that, then you need to add a plant with masculine energy. Otherwise, the energy of the dwelling will not resonate harmoniously with objects. Apathy will begin, which can develop into depression. If you notice that you are in a bad mood at home, then take a closer look at the plants. Perhaps they are the problem.

In order for the fat woman to bring good luck, you need to hang several bills on the branches. Then put a few coins in the pot and count them, wiping the dust from the plant. After all, money likes the account.

It is best to plant the plant in a red pot. This decor helps to increase cash flow. If the tree suddenly bloomed (which is rare), you must certainly make a wish. One evening, you need to place seven candles around the pot, light them and say what you want to yourself seven times.

The most dangerous property of the money tree

Crassula leaves contain arsenic. Therefore, care must be taken when caring for it. The plant should not be in a place accessible to children and animals. The poison is dangerous in any quantity. You can get very strong allergies from it.

How to care for a fat woman

  • Temperature

The flower should be in a room that is often ventilated. The temperature should be between 19 and 24 degrees.

  • Humidity

The fat woman does not like dry air. Therefore, it is not recommended to place it next to the battery. The best place is the bathroom, where the optimum humidity level is maintained. However, all communications must be in good working order. Leaking pipes can leak money.

  • Wall color

The money tree doesn’t like red hues. It is worth giving preference to green, purple or lilac shades.

  • Technique

The fat woman should not be placed close to electrical appliances. Technique can drown out the circulation of wealth energy.

How to get rid of a fat woman so as not to harm yourself?

The money tree cannot be thrown away. After all, during its residence it has accumulated the energy of family members. You can leave at the entrance. The best thing is to bury the flower in the ground. It is imperative to thank the flower for bringing good luck.

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