Why is the hedgehog dreaming
A thrifty and trusting animal in many countries is considered a symbol of prosperity and well-being. But prickly needles can be a kind of warning

A cute and cute animal or a harmful thorn? The attitude towards hedgehogs in many people is ambiguous. In most countries, it is considered a symbol of thrift and thrift, which means wealth and prosperity in the house. At the same time, a hedgehog can symbolize aggression – its needles standing on end can hurt the offender. So what changes and new opportunities in your life does the hedgehog that appeared in a dream testify to? We will find out what such a dream means in various dream traditions and interpretations.

Hedgehog in a dream according to Miller’s dream book: expect good luck

This interpreter is inclined to classify dreams about a hedgehog as favorable. This animal that came into your visions says that in reality you will be able to successfully complete the most difficult cases, you will succeed, even if there are dangerous people around you – you can defeat them and turn everything that happens to your advantage.

But if you picked up a prickly hedgehog, then this may mean that you will have scandals in the family, new unpleasant acquaintances, forced communication with quarrelsome people. Try to set yourself up in such a way that it does not spoil your mood and try to restrain aggression. An interesting interpretation of the moment in which you hold a hedgehog in your hands, but do not feel its needles at all: this suggests that you tend to be mistaken about some person close to you.

Have you pricked yourself on the needles of a hedgehog? Well, take a look around: you should not trust someone from your environment. A hedgehog curled up in a ball in your dream is your fear of difficulties, which you do not yet know how to deal with. Think about it in the morning and find the courage to face the problems and start solving them. All the same, it will have to be done sooner or later, one way or another.

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Ежик в соннике Ванги: не стоит переживать

The famous soothsayer has her own opinion about hedgehogs walking around in human dreams. She believes that this is a consequence of a person’s excessive fears about some kind of difficulties that actually do not exist. It’s definitely not worth spending nerve cells on meaningless moments. Such a dream pushes for a simple solution: think less about trifles, take care of yourself and your health, communicate with nice people and leave the problems that you yourself came up with somewhere on the sidelines of your life.

If you dream of a hedgehog curled up in a ball, think about what kind of threat looms over you in real life and how you can get out of the situation with the least losses. A dream warns you of possible problems in advance, giving you a chance to sort out the situation to your advantage. Most often we are talking about health: you are nervous a lot, you are constantly under stress. Think about yourself, allow yourself to relax and just enjoy life, go to the doctor and try to find ways to relieve stress from the body.

A lot of hedgehogs or even a hedgehog family seen in a dream portends difficulties that you will not be able to cope with. It seems that this dream is rather sad, but take it differently: if the result is known in advance, you can not waste your nerves and not worry, treat some losses philosophically and think over retreat paths in advance that will help you save face and finances.

It is strange, but pleasant, the process of feeding hedgehogs in a dream, the fortuneteller interprets a little negatively: according to her, this predicts household chores, which will certainly fall on you in the very near future. But in the end, you will still be satisfied.

What is the dream of a hedgehog according to Astromeredian’s dream book

In this dream book, they especially pay attention to sleep about a hedgehog for women. Most often, such a dream portends an interesting and useful acquaintance for you. If you pick up a hedgehog in a dream, it means that in reality you will have to uncover the insidious plans of enemies and ill-wishers. If there are a lot of hedgehogs running around in your house, then you can get into a difficult situation, which will not be easy to cope with.

A dream about a hedgehog in Tsvetkov’s dream book

According to the interpreter, a dream in which a hedgehog appears promises trouble. You will painfully prick about the indifference of other people, or you will see that you are surrounded by ill-wishers.

What does Freud’s dream book say about a dream about a hedgehog

According to the interpreter, the animal that appeared in a dream speaks of your inner feelings about intimate relationships with a partner. You are dissatisfied, you expect something more and therefore you cannot enjoy yourself. It is worth saying these moments with a loved one, and not experiencing them alone.

Также Фрейд советует, увидев сон о мертвом еже, отпустить прошлое, которое гирей висит на вашей шее и не дает двигаться дальше. Может быть, вам даже нужно сменить работу и местожительство, завести новых друзей — сделать все для того, чтобы вырваться из порочного круга мыслей о том, что не сбылось.

Hedgehog in Stepanova’s dream book

В данном случае толкователь говорит о том, что в реальной жизни стоит обратить особенное внимание на людей, которые могут как-то навредить вам. Коварные недоброжелатели могут притаиться даже среди близких друзей — будьте осторожны и не стремитесь открыть людям свои тайны и устремления.

Why does a woman dream of a hedgehog

Большинство толкователей снов обращают особенное внимание на то, кто именно увидел сон про ежика. Например, если женщина увидела, как во сне она кормит ежика, то в толковании появляются новые оттенки: сновидица к кому-т сильно привязана и живет интересами другого человека, не позволяя себе полноценно радоваться тому, чего хочется ей. На такой знак стоит обратить внимание и пересмотреть свое отношение к милым сердцу радостям и к своим интересам.

For a married lady, a dream in which she holds a hedgehog in her arms is an indicator of her inner state. In reality, she lacks affection and attention from her soulmate. Just understand – no hints will help. Your subconscious is already just screaming for help. Talk to your husband frankly and talk about your dissatisfaction.

Pregnancy for a woman may portend a dream in which a hedgehog with cubs appeared. But for a young girl, small hedgehogs are a sign that someone is gossiping about her behind her back. Tiny hedgehogs, dreaming of a pregnant woman, say that she does not need to worry so much about the upcoming birth. In the end, it is this emotional state that can most harm the unborn baby.

What does a dreaming hedgehog say to a man

If a man sees a hedgehog in a dream, this is rather a favorable sign for him. Such a dream portends good luck in all endeavors. However, there are also negative circumstances that can serve as a warning: for example, if in a dream you pricked yourself on a hedgehog, someone will try to destroy your relationship with a woman, if you hunted a hedgehog, then you are ready to face any trouble fully armed and do not intend to give up not for a minute. In a dream, did you run after a hedgehog, trying to catch up with him, but he constantly slipped away? Get ready for the fact that in an important matter for you you will have to understand thoroughly, and act wisely and carefully, you will not be able to achieve anything with a swoop.

Astrologer’s comment

Elena Kuznetsova, Vedic astrologer, female psychologist:

В ведическом словаре можно найти слово azi (ажи), которое означает змей, дракон. В русском языке ему родственно слово еж поэтому, толкуя сновидение, мы можем опираться на значения этих символов. Во сне еж — это сосредоточие ваших проблем и сложностей, внутренних противоречий и терзаний. Но представляя все их в виде живого существа, вы как будто бросаете им бой. Такой сон говорит о том, что вы готовы взглянуть в глаза накопившимся проблемам, найти решение, распутать свернувшийся в сложный клубок внутренний мир. Постарайтесь вспомнить свои ощущения во сне и почувствовать ту решимость, которая была с вами в этот момент. Именно это ощущение будет способствовать правильному развитию событий наяву. Не сдавайтесь — «дракон», которого вы придумали себе, может быть легко побежден.

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