Why is the elephant dreaming
Elephants are among the five most intelligent living creatures on the planet. Why do elephants dream, what information do these animals want to convey?

What is the dream of an elephant according to Miller’s dream book

Miller associates dreams about elephants with financial and business areas. Respect in the team and a stable financial situation promises a dream in which you rode an elephant. If the animal is alone in a dream, then you will have a small but very significant business; the more of them, the more wealth awaits you. An elephant grazing peacefully in a meadow or anywhere else indicates that your kindness and decency will be rewarded – your social status will increase.

Interpretation of dreams about an elephant: Vanga’s dream book

The elephant testifies to the mind of a sleeping person, a developed imagination and the ability to get out of different life situations.

Pay attention to the following details:

  • what happened to the elephant. He stood in your room – to a happy change; rolled you – you are too little interested in the opinions of other people and even suppress their will with your actions; fled – a high-ranking patron will appear in life; swam in the river – unexpected things will take you by surprise, but with the help of friends you will be able to finish everything on time and avoid problems; a dead elephant symbolizes disappointment and annoyance;
  • how many elephants were A whole herd – be careful in any business, do not lose vigilance and do not take risks, problems can arise out of the blue; an elephant with an elephant calf – a hint that loved ones lack your support and attention;
  • what color was the elephant. Snow-white symbolizes a prestigious job, black indicates that there is no need to be afraid of new tasks and goals, everything will turn out well and easily.
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Islamic dream book: elephant

An elephant is a large and strong animal; in a dream, it personifies an equally large (in terms of its significance, and not physical parameters, of course) person – a ruler, leader or other influential person. Buy or ride an elephant – achieve a high social position; talking with this animal – to receive a reward from an important person; run away – on the contrary, suffer because of his actions. A good sign if an elephant beats you with its trunk in a dream is to wealth.

Did you dream that you grew an elephant’s head? The business you want to start is very difficult, you can hardly cope with it. But if you do not give up halfway, then in the end you will remain in the black.

What is the dream of an elephant according to Freud’s dream book

Women should pay attention to dreams about elephants, since this animal symbolizes the masculine principle and promises an acquaintance with an attractive man. If the elephant was kind to you, allowed you to ride, then the new romance will give you an unforgettable sexual experience. For women already in a relationship, the dream can symbolize a second wave of love and romance. Elephant behaved aggressively? Harassment from some important person is possible.

Loff’s dream book: interpretation of dreams about an elephant

In many cultures, the elephant is considered a strong, wise animal with an excellent memory. Most likely, you forgot about something, which is why such a sign appeared in a dream. Remember what you planned to do, what promises you made.

Elephant according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The soothsayer gives a general explanation for dreams about elephants, and then he recommends that you independently analyze the details and understand, specifically in your case, the animal symbolizes strength and wisdom or vindictiveness and cruelty. The white elephant warns you against senseless spending – there will be little benefit from the purchase you are about to make. If you have recently made any purchase, its life may be short. The most unusual image that Nostradamus parses is an elephant with stars on its back: it means that power in the United States will be in the hands of the Republican Party.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov: why the elephant is dreaming

An elephant is already a tall animal, and with the help of a trunk it is able to lift even heavy objects even higher. Therefore, the interpreter associates the appearance of an elephant in a dream with a certain elevation. This can be both career and spiritual growth, as well as improving the opinions of others about you.

Esoteric dream book: elephant

The elephant symbolizes stability. Therefore, if your interaction with this animal was positive (you fed it, photographed it, took it somewhere, rode it), then complete harmony awaits you in work and family life, even if there are some problems now, then they resolved quickly and calmly. But dreams with a negative context (you beat or killed an elephant) speak of the destruction of a stable state of affairs, you will have to make a lot of effort to stay afloat.

Dream Interpretation Hasse: interpretation of dreams about an elephant

Just watching an elephant – to increase the number of your like-minded people. Riding an elephant – in all areas of life you will find pleasant changes, good luck and happiness. The collapse of all plans predicts a dream in which you will see a dead elephant or kill it yourself.

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